Seaducer SD3 .40 Mono


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Active Member
Oct 27, 2003
I just got a new Seaducer with a .45 CMB RS. set up. 450/3 prop - Hitec HS645MG steering servo. When at speed I try to turn, the boat just cranks into a tight turn and will not straighten until I let off some throttle. When I do let off the boat quicklt cranks the other way because I'm not quick enough to realize I've got it cranked full left. I've tried setting the rudder endpoints very slight and if the throw is enough to make the course turns the boat lays over and turns sharp. What could I be doing wrong. This thing cranks in the straights and doesn't slow for the turns, just turns insane. The servo should have enough torque at 106 - 133 and I am using Alkaklines so I have 6V. Should I be using 5 NI-MH instead with a heavier switch? Gotta get this straightened out before Nats!!!!! Any Ideas??????
First thing to try is get rid of the Hitec servo on the steering. I have had lots of problems with my riggers doing crazy things until to switched out the steering servos. then the next thing i would try is the battery. Goos luck.
Check with Oliver Douglas as I believe he's having the same problem with the exact same servo. I'm running the same set-up as you are with the same RS motor and have experienced no ill effects at all. The boat does like to point turn if you don't get the rudder deflection just right. I believe for the first time I may have to use some of the steering functions the radio offers. It's okay when testing but in the heat of a race it's hard not to over steer.

That boat will do that with a bad servo and you cant tell its weak. The 645 is fine just get one that works.

Youu do want to decrease the atl for steering set it up so 80 left and 100 right use the dual rate set about 50 left 62 right.

I have the 3pdf futaba full steer is 120 l& r,,, other radios should be similar. PHIL
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Yes I am having the same problem. I thought it was my driving:eek: I went from 4.8 volt to 6 volt battery, but still had the same problem. So I am putting a digital 5945mg servo in for testing next Sunday.
