Doug,What about the exhaust? How does it exit the hull?Guys,I like the strut leak as the possible problem, however I just looked at the strut entry through the hull and it is virtually sealed with just a very small hole at the trailing edge of the strut. I will seal this off completely and try again.
I had, along the line, thought about water intrusion but could not pinpoint the entry point. The sponge idea is a very clever one and I will try that also because if it works, I can track down the cause from there. Also might have to make the sponge standard equipment!
I have pretty much ruled out overheating with the drop in Nitro %, also there is no indication of lean condition. Water exit is through the hull next to the motor and has not been changed.
Thanks for all of the ideas so far and yes, I will be letting everyone know how this turns out.
Exhaust exits directly through an opening in the cowling via an extension tube on the pipe's stinger. The tube sticks out past the opening just a bit.