General overview of registration.
For classes, 1/ 8 Nitro Scale, FE Scale, Gas Scale, are all required to be registered by the owner of the hull by IMPBA rules.
Several steps to consider, IF your District dosent have a Assistant Director, or Scale Director to help get the registration process completed.
Im not going to "quote" every rule from the rule book, we're big kids, read the rules. The purpose of registration is to maintain the most accurate depiction of the real, current or past , not your personal version, of a unlimited hydroplane.
Last year with GAS Scale becoming a new and upcomming class for IMPBA, many people didnt understand this registration process, or why there was one at all, its a IMPBA rule.
Duties and options:
The 3 above mentioned classes are required to be registered.
District Directors, Assistant Directors, Scale Directors should make sure the boats in your District are registered.
Contest Directors should verifiythat these boat are registered, at your event.
Time trials and record trials are required to make sure boats are registered to the owner, not a "Team" or neighborhood.
IF you cant get your boat registered for any reason, I can provide a generic form to fill out, no fees/dues required.
As National Scale & District 2 Scale Director, I would like to see this process get more "real" instead of just "yea Im registered".
I have forms and a ton of pictures for anyone who needs help.
Joe Wiebelhaus
National and District 2 Scale Director
[email protected]
If you need help, contact me, if your going to whine or cry, Im not interested.