Scale Looking Tunnel boats


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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 27, 2001
I waters gang

I will dare to bring this up...

To what if any feelings do you have regarding model tunnel hulls to have scale like appearance?

Would you like to see a 100% scale boat?

Would you like a Stand off Scale boat?

(Stand off scale definition) The boat should not be scrutinized for detail upon close inspection. Meaning the boat need not have all the details of the full size boat like panel lines, rivets, fasteners, pull cables, and other small detail.

Could care less about the looks of a tunnel boat.

Just kicking it out there for discussion.



I'd love to see the boats actually look like a real tunnel. That should be step one. A window and driver and possibly mirrors would be next. Then a class or some rules could be established for detailing out Sponsor logos and colors. Pull cables would be wild but maybe complicated for some to do or figure out. As for the other pinpoint details that would be sweet but maybe optional because the paint jobs for some already get expensive. Someone like myself that could do rivets, paneling etc.. it would make it worth doing for accuracy. Similar to 1/8 scale hydros.


This is a great idea (the post) and would really love to see it. Look my thoughts or ideas here are not etched in stone so everyone chim in and share your opinions as well. Mine aren't right or wrong just my opinion.


Last, if something like this happened it would turn the class upside down because most boats on the market don't look to scale....MOST not all so don't be offended to all the fione makers on this board.

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Well, since I'm logged in...

A few years back D4 had a 'tunnel association'. Boats had a concourse (sp?) judging at every event, and had the biggest turn out of any class, and a high point trophy at the end of the year. Boats (I believe) were REQUIRED to have a sponsor, number, and driver (back when the majority of boats had open cockpits). I would like to see an inbetween of what you asked. Drivers, if applicable (detailed enclosed cockpits would be best), numbers and sponsors on all tunnel boats.

If somone wants to do hooks, panel lines, etc. great...but bring back concourse judging on tunnels, with some guidelines.

This coming from someone who used to run tunnels...

Thanks Mike!

Garrett Randall
Hmmmmmm........Well in as much as I like the Wild!!! lookin stuff, For tunnel's the hull should maybe at least resemble the full size hulls (Seebold, Rinker, Lamb) etc. When it comes to how far to take it, havent a clue, as long as changing the apperance does not cause handeling problems.

Gene :D
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Mike, in Namba district 19, at one time, real looking drivers were mandatory and

there were points awarded for the best scale looking tunnel. The points won were added to the days total racing points. If I knew how to post a picture I would :(

I have a beautiful one painted in the Arcadian scheme.

Not that I don't care about the looks of tunnels, I would not like to see any full scale requirement in tunnel boat racing. As long at meets IMPBA definition of a tunnel, it should be allowed to run.

Maybe offer the concourse judging as Garrett mentions happened in the past. However, full size detailing should not be required to race. Boaters then have the option of entering the judging or not.

Happy Boating,

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Having been involved with model tunnel boats since 1975(and Jack Garcia is right there with me time wise), I have a few opinions on the class.

"Scale Looking" is definitely something I enjoy about model tunnel boats. However, I would not want to begin running "True to Scale" models. There are few, if any, "True to Scale" model tunnel boats being offered at this time. The basic reason is model tunnel boats feature a much greater pickle fork than full size tunnel boats. A model tunnel boat does not need to carry as much air under the hull as a full size tunnel.

Over the years, I believe one of the attractions of model tunnel boats was the ease to accessing the hobby. In regards to racing model tunnel boats, I believe all three r/c boating organiztions have hull specifications.

The current rules in NAMBA require either a driver or enclosed canopy cockpit. I'm not sure if a painted windshield is required on a canopy cowling(it should be). Other than a few basic appearance requirements, I don't believe the class should become mired down in appearance issues.

I don't think creating a separate class for "Scale Looking" model tunnel boats would be of any advantage to encouraging growth in the class. I don't know about other areas, but here in District 8 we're not gaining model tunnel boat racers.

Hi Guy's

It's funny you should ask this question because I have mentioned the same thing previously. However, I was not advocating replicas of full size boats but boats that represetn the theme of full scale - eg use your favourite NASCAR paintjob as a guide. IMHO the boats should be very SOS - as the idea should be to make them represent the 'look' of full sized racing boats. For those that didn't know this was one of the principal reasons behind designing my own cowling - as much as I like the Hotshot cowls they don't look right, subtle changes improve the look (especially on the water) of the boats.

I think that it would be easy to get carried away and turn this in to another scale class. While this in itself may not be a bad thing (provided you don't go OTT) it would limit the boat designs a little. For instance say they were to be 1/8th scale tunnels - they would all have to be 26-27" long. While this would suit stock motors could be a little short for big HP motors. I think what you might be meaning may be eppitomised by the old DPI tunnel (factory presentation one) where although not scale has appeal that you don't get with say a van houten Hornet. I am not trying to offend anyone because all of the tunnel designs on the market are pretty darn good, but they lack the appeal I think your aiming for.

This topic should get some interesting debate going.

GT :rolleyes:
Great Info from both new and old racers..

Others feel free to chime in.. Its all good.

For me i like and take pride in a somewhat realistic looking tunnel boat. Things like painted windshield, sponsor/s decals and the like are fun to do.

I have a tunnel boat (open cockpit) that I detailed out a bit (drive mirrors and the like) but the driver balled out one day and sunk to the bottom.( I would jump with me driving too) We thought that if we came back a few days later that he might be floating face down but no luck. He never surfaced and with out a body its tough to bring me up on driving while under the influence of nitro charges…Hehehehe

We still joke about that at the pond form time to time…

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JD and GTR Have valid and good points. JD said we couldn't do an exact scale class but that's not what I ment, I'd like to see something similar to a real boat if the owner chooses to do so. I like what GTR said about any Sponsor, I don't think we need to limit our self to the "Bud Light Seebold" sponsor, hey why not do Haagen-Daaz or Ben and Jerry's etc....

Due to the lack of motors it would be hard to do but maybe offer some incentive to boaters that go for a scale look. Maybe as a "introduction" class blended in w/A & B-OPC those drivers that "register" for "scale tunne;" get "X amount of points" each race, a Concourse...etc....There's endless possibilities to make it fun! That's the point right? LOL
Well, I am torn on this subject. I really love all full sized race boats. I like the idea of "sort of scale", or a "sport scale". I don't know if I like the idea of making it a requirement to race, or giving some racers extra race points just because they decided, have a scale look. I am kind of a fan of radical designs, some of these work great for small boats like the size & weight of our RC boat, but might not work well on a full size boat because of trying to make it strong yet keep the weight down. Like an RC airplane, you can make some really radical designs fly, & fly well, but it would be impossible to make a full size plane with the same design. Well my ramblings are getting me to a point....I think they are anyways.... :p I think requiring a certain look would hinder experimentation, & limit our hobby rather than expand it. If people want to have a concourse judgment of scale tunnels, then I would vote for it being a separate contest as apposed to tying it directly to the race results.
Stand off scale would be great. It has to look like a real tunnel in appearance along with sponsor etc. It however does not have to match the exact lines nor all the details. We have a lot of craftsman in the hobby but low and behold, I am not one of them ( Mike can attest to that ) and a true scale class would drive me out of the class and also limit the growth to only those willing to spend the time and having the talent to detail out a boat. That doesn't mean in stand off scale that someone couldn't do these things if he wanted to as long as they didn't get radical with the hull and add things that are not on the real boats.
I think we should keep the classes very broad since the # of boats in the classes is small enough, and allow up to the current limits in rules for the classes. I’m thinking any sub-division of classes will have the effect of reducing the already limited numbers in these classes to a point where racing wont be as fun. Jus my due lire
From the outside looking in,

I love the way some of the "Scale" hydro's look, but being a newbie to r/c boating and looking at the some of the requirements for other clubs scale classes, I would most likely never bother trying to build a boat for the class.I've read about one club that requires you to check the list of available hulls and numbers before requesting their "permission" to build and paint your boat to make sure there aren't any duplicate hulls on raceday. I don't see anything wrong with taking a nice looking hull like a Miss Bud, and putting some kind of wild one off custom paint scheme on it, just as you would if you were building your own fullsize racer. If somebody wants to have "Concours" judging, that's fine for the people that are into it, but if those points transfer over to the racing point totals, I don't see that it would stir up much interest in racing that class for new people. just my 2 cents.
I have always liked a boat that was decked out with numbers, driver (or canopy), sponsor names and the like. I always put numbers on my boats and paint the canopy, sometimes adding little details like vents and latches, even if they are decals. A heat full of decked out boats really makes the class shine. But a lot of serious racers buy a top of the line tunnel and never put the first thing on it. Matter of personal preference. Exact scale....most likely a pain in the neck for most guys and might run off some of the diehards (whom we need to keep). I don't think we should limit the "shape" of the hull to what full scale is. Like some have already said, you don't want to block new ideas or advancement. I curently build an outboard hull design that most RCer's have never seen but it works pretty good and is getting better all the time. Ok theres my two Good topic!

I,too love a tunnel that looks real! We don't need any national rules for this. Local clubs can have Concours judging for their races. A special event could be run,requiring "Scale-like" appearance. Maybe something like the "Offshore" class could be given some consideration.

Hey Mike,

I think it would be cool if our boats were judged on appearance, but I hate rules. So I guess if you asked me, I would want to have a separate judging of static appearance...and I would be cool with it if you factored season points into the total...maybe 20% of the final calculations would be based on a beauty pageant of the model tunnels at every race. That would be cool for tie breakers. I mean, some of these models that the guys are racing are getting UGLY!

That would make Joe fast think twice about putting on that plain unpainted ultra-light cowl for the races. That's what I mean by UGLY.