"Normally", cutting extra holes that were not on the full sized boat isn't allowed since it isn't scale to the full sized boat. Depending on the boat you're working on, heat normally isn't an issue. A modern turbine, if the intake and rear turbine exhaust are open, gets more than enough air through the cowl, along with the water cooled head.. On a boat with an open engine, such as the 1973 Pak or Budweiser, there's so much air flow around the engine that, again, it's not an issue. Where air flow could be an issue, especially if the water cooling has problems, is on closed cowl boats like the 1977-81 Atlas, 1979-85 Griffon Budweisers as well as the 1979 Squire and Circus Circus. These boats only had the side intake scoops and cowl top carb scoop openings for air to get in. As far as getting air out on these boats, there is only the exhaust stack openings and(maybe) some holes in the rear of the cowl. IF the boat had air outlets on the deck, usually something seen at the rear of the round nosed boats, they can be made functional if heat is an issue.