Safety Fencing


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There's no 100 percent way of stoping a boat from coming up to shore. I saw a boat maybe 5-6 years ago at a Evansville race hit the bank, jump 10 feet in the air and landed in the next parking lot that's maybe 20 feet away. Freak accidents sometimes happen and those guys warn people before each race to stay clear of the fencing. I think it has more to do with the cd or who ever it is on the mic to make by standees aware if the danger of standing close to the fencing. All of the D-14 races I've been to this year has done a good job of that.
There's no 100 percent way of stoping a boat from coming up to shore. I saw a boat maybe 5-6 years ago at a Evansville race hit the bank, jump 10 feet in the air and landed in the next parking lot that's maybe 20 feet away. Freak accidents sometimes happen and those guys warn people before each race to stay clear of the fencing. I think it has more to do with the cd or who ever it is on the mic to make by standees aware if the danger of standing close to the fencing. All of the D-14 races I've been to this year has done a good job of that.
It not just "the cd or who ever it is on the mic to make by standees aware if the danger of standing close to the fencing" responsibility. It is every memember of the organization hosting the event to ensure the safety of spectators and contestants, if anyone observes an unsafe action or spectator standing in a dangerous area it is your responsbility to correct the problem or at the very least bring it to a race official's attention.
There's no 100 percent way of stoping a boat from coming up to shore. I saw a boat maybe 5-6 years ago at a Evansville race hit the bank, jump 10 feet in the air and landed in the next parking lot that's maybe 20 feet away. Freak accidents sometimes happen and those guys warn people before each race to stay clear of the fencing. I think it has more to do with the cd or who ever it is on the mic to make by standees aware if the danger of standing close to the fencing. All of the D-14 races I've been to this year has done a good job of that.
It not just "the cd or who ever it is on the mic to make by standees aware if the danger of standing close to the fencing" responsibility. It is every memember of the organization hosting the event to ensure the safety of spectators and contestants, if anyone observes an unsafe action or spectator standing in a dangerous area it is your responsbility to correct the problem or at the very least bring it to a race official's attention.
You are absolutely correct. The point I was trying to make is that the by standees need to made aware of the danger and not just rely on fencing to make it safe. Even if you put 3 feet talk chain link fence around a pound, A boat will find a way to go over it.
If the chain link fence is in the water, there is no bank to jump. No way a boat is getting past that without losing a whole lot of energy. Just sayin. :)
If the chain link fence is in the water, there is no bank to jump. No way a boat is getting past that without losing a whole lot of energy. Just sayin. :)
It could EASILY happen if two fast boats came together at the wrong angle exiting a corner wide, esp coming back from the right end.

We have had boats running at our records trials coming out of buoy #6 loose control get air borne and not even touch the water till half way down the front straight away. Fencing in the water or out of the water does not insure boats won't get out of the lake and not injure anyone, but it does help. All every boater can do is make a good effort to mitigate the risk to people and animals
sweet as it is, does it surround the intire pond? thats what I think this started as ?
If your talkin entire pond, then Mike Schindler is your guy on this! He has been there, done that.
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Charleston Model Boat Club, if you can swing it.
Ray hit the nail on the head. Charleston's chain link fence around the top of the pond is the best race site I have seen yet. The high bank gives boats a chance to stop before they get to the top of the bank, but if a boat were to "launch", it's not coming through the fence....... ;)