rudder on the right side


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Chris Wood

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2002
I am going to be building a new sport 20 this winter.. last year i put the rudder on the left.. I know why everyone typically puts it on the left. . what i want to know is has anyone put one on the right side of ANY sport 21 boat and did it do anything different than on the left.


I am going to be building a new sport 20 this winter.. last year i put the rudder on the left.. I know why everyone typically puts it on the left. . what i want to know is has anyone put one on the right side of ANY sport 21 boat and did it do anything different than on the left.



Can I have your old one? JK
Chris,Mark and I put the rudder on the right side of our sport 21 and sport 45 and the handling through the corner was better and the boats turned more like our hydros. If you look at the full size unlimiteds, the rudder is on the same side as the turn fin. Since they turn counter clockwise the rudder and FIN are on the left. DOC
I experimented with the rudder on both sides.... found out the hard way that if the rudder is on the opposite side of the fin it makes it very difficult for it to turn the slightest bit to the outside...

For example, Fin on the right and rudder on the left = difficulty to turn left (for path corrections and such)

Nothing noticeable on straights
Actually Doc, on the unlimiteds, the rudder on almost all of them is on the right side. I'll post a picture if I can find one of the Oberto's transom. Got lucky, here's a couple pictures showing the location of the rudder and bracket. One of the boats you will have to look closely to find the rudder(removed pics to save bytes)
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The big boats do have the rudder on the outside(right), oppisite the turn fin.

This gives a better pivot angle, turn fin to rudder. Tends to hold the boat flatter on the water in the turns. If your boat will hook and lift turning left it is cause of poor turn fin alignment or poor hull design.

Boat like the Whip probally not too critical cause the transom is narrower.

I used the turn fin on the left and the right on the Winston Lobster style boat I have the transom is only 4 inches wide on that one.

Im ready to build a new sport20 hydro too soon.
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I stand corrected. I guess my memory did not serve me well. We were at the unlimiteds in Evansville and I thought we had seen the rudder on the left side. Despite that fact our sport boats 21 and 45 with the rudder on the right went through the turns much better. Less likely to hook with a tight on the bouys turn. No difference in the speed, except faster in the turns.

The other contributing factor is of course the turn fin design and set up of the boat. Years ago we tried rudders on the left side on our hydros and they just did not work as well as on the right. I think Gene Taylor pushed the idea for a while.Again it may have been someone else who popularized the concept. It did not work well and the present placement of the rudder on hydros, mono's speaks for itself!!!!!!

The real question is: Are the sport and scale hulls SO different that a left mounted rudder is mandated? I guess since we had not ran sport hydros much and Mark tried the standard left side mounting of the rudder. The boat would hook and do a flat spin in the turns. I decided to place the rudder on the right side since I did not see why it would not work. It was marked improvemet. Doc
I stand corrected. I guess my memory did not serve me well. We were at the unlimiteds in Evansville and I thought we had seen the rudder on the left side. Despite that fact our sport boats 21 and 45 with the rudder on the right went through the turns much better. Less likely to hook with a tight on the bouys turn. No difference in the speed, except faster in the turns.

The other contributing factor is of course the turn fin design and set up of the boat. Years ago we tried rudders on the left side on our hydros and they just did not work as well as on the right. I think Gene Taylor pushed the idea for a while.Again it may have been someone else who popularized the concept. It did not work well and the present placement of the rudder on hydros, mono's speaks for itself!!!!!!

The real question is: Are the sport and scale hulls SO different that a left mounted rudder is mandated? I guess since we had not ran sport hydros much and Mark tried the standard left side mounting of the rudder. The boat would hook and do a flat spin in the turns. I decided to place the rudder on the right side since I did not see why it would not work. It was marked improvemet. Doc
Your memory wasn't all bad. Back in the 50s and into the early 80s, many of the boats had their rudder on the left side. With the advent of the wider hulls, it was found that a right side rudder worked best. I know that the 7025, 7207, 7325, 7474, 7701 and 7812 hulls all ran left side rudders. That being said, all of the boats had vertical skid fins as compaired to the modern turbines which have the skid fins mounted at an angle to hold the boat both down as well as from sliding while cornering

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