right sponson digs in in corner


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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
I'm seeing a trait that I'm not sure is good or bad. my concern is that it may be washing off some speed in the corners.

When turning right, the right from sponson seems to dig in. I'm definitley not having any trouble cornering and the boat sticks like glue in the corners. I'm just wondering if I have the angle of my turn fin too deep and it's causeing it to dig in too much...

That or the entry edge of your turn fin is too far forward.

I'm seeing a trait that I'm not sure is good or bad. my concern is that it may be washing off some speed in the corners.

When turning right, the right from sponson seems to dig in. I'm definitley not having any trouble cornering and the boat sticks like glue in the corners. I'm just wondering if I have the angle of my turn fin too deep and it's causeing it to dig in too much...


Turn fins which are bent, must be bent parallel to the water line at the running speed attitude to function properly in high speed turns. Straight skid fins mounted on an angled mount eliminate these problems.

Jim :) :) :)
I'm seeing a trait that I'm not sure is good or bad. my concern is that it may be washing off some speed in the corners.

When turning right, the right from sponson seems to dig in. I'm definitley not having any trouble cornering and the boat sticks like glue in the corners. I'm just wondering if I have the angle of my turn fin too deep and it's causeing it to dig in too much...

Also which side is your rudder on? Remember what ever action happens on the rear acts upon the opposite side up front. A rudder on the left puts more pressure on the right front & vice versa. ;)
Rudder is on the right. It's hard to see the ride angle for sure when the boat is on the table. I know you set it yp for what you plan but I think the hull doesn't really run exactly as one may plan.

I'm going to change the angle on the fin a little bit. I'll lift it a little too.

man it's cold today.... Bright sun though.... Might go to the lake anyway.... BRRR :eek:
If your right sponson angle is not digging in the straightaway, then the angle should not cause the boat to dig in the corners unless the boat lifts the rear of the boat in the corners or the cup is too great. Most boats sit on the rear sponsons when in the corners thus angling the fin in such a position that lifts the right sponson in the corners in relation to the angle the fin runs in the straightaway. With too much cup, when the boat tends to slide to the left in the corners the cup pulls the right sponson downward. A good way to see if the cup is too much is to pay attention to how the boat leaves the turns. If the boat tends to stay turning after you straighten the boat out, the cup is too much.
If your right sponson angle is not digging in the straightaway, then the angle should not cause the boat to dig in the corners unless the boat lifts the rear of the boat in the corners or the cup is too great. Most boats sit on the rear sponsons when in the corners thus angling the fin in such a position that lifts the right sponson in the corners in relation to the angle the fin runs in the straightaway. With too much cup, when the boat tends to slide to the left in the corners the cup pulls the right sponson downward. A good way to see if the cup is too much is to pay attention to how the boat leaves the turns. If the boat tends to stay turning after you straighten the boat out, the cup is too much.
If you are seeing water come off the turn fin in a straight line the turn fin is bent or at the wrong angle.
Take a look at the bottom edge of the fin Itsould be flat with the ride surface. Maybe too deep or too much angle.
I increased the angle on the fin. Seems the simptom has gone away. It's often tough to see the right sponson. I't's on the wrong side of the boat!!!

Ran well today.

I'm going to post some Bantam action photos today..
Are you running after run oil after you run your boat today or are putting in anti-freeze?Momma called and said it was cooooold there today.But she is usedto the 70,s here all week.I just thought it was funny what she said.It was in the low 50's here and raining most of the day.
I increased the angle on the fin. Seems the simptom has gone away. It's often tough to see the right sponson. I't's on the wrong side of the boat!!!

Ran well today.

I'm going to post some Bantam action photos today..

When you say you increased the angle, am I to assume you lowered the rear of the turn fin a little. That's what I would have done. If you use a lifting prop you will have to either lower the front sponsons if they are adjustable or at least angle the turn fin up a bit more. Oops, I'm thinking about my boat. Just raise the strut!

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Yeah, I turn it up a little. I think it was just digging a little more than I want. I messed up my best prop from sholund.... SUCKS
Yeah, I turn it up a little. I think it was just digging a little more than I want. I messed up my best prop from sholund.... SUCKS
Hey dude....now that you've got the boat running faster and you're putting some high dollar stuff in it, might as well get a fail safe for it, that way you don't get the problem we had @ the lake today. I mean, really - the prop cost you around 40.00, the fail safe is 30.00...seems like a good investment to me. I don't think I'd run another boat w/ out one.