Restoring 63' Tahoe Miss


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I can tell you one thing for sure my next will be from scratch this restoring stick sucks. :angry: :angry: But I can't complain too much as I'll be way under what it would have cost to buy new. I'll be maybe 8bills into it when finished paint and all.
:lol: :D :p Do you make crazy stress your grey/white eyebrow hairs. I just tease !! Look good ! :)
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I have not posted the progress as of late but will get some pics real soon. Paints going on tonight well some of it then clear sanding and more paint.
Ok paint going on and so far I have not screwed up LOL..... Famous last words







More to come
Sikens 3 part. laying down the first 5 coats of clear now. Then a complete wet sand with 1500, lay down the letters and details and another 3 coats clear. I have 3 of 5 on now and waiting for it to cure a little. The whole ordeal was a pain but I'm hoping for a flawless paint job when done. Was 4 coats primer, wet sand 600grit add some bondo prime again with 3 coats and wet sand again. Then the base coats of Bittersweet Red - Dupont Orange #5080 & Cream #43938
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Before the clear



First round of clear done. Will wait until the AM to get her down and wet sand. Decals are next. Then clear to seal


I have not started on the cowl/driver as yet. Was going to wait until I have the hull done to see how it fit and then make any changes before I paint and to repair any screw ups mounting it on the hull :blink:
I have not started on the cowl/driver as yet. Was going to wait until I have the hull done to see how it fit and then make any changes before I paint and to repair any screw ups mounting it on the hull
Looking good Kevin
It is going to be really cool when we have 6 of those on the water at once....



Short Circuit



Notre Dame

Tahoe Miss
Hey Rob I'm having a hell of a time getting my Allison and Dan needs some stuff as well (driver) I've been waiting for Larry to let me know when he's ready so I can pay for the stuff I wanted. I will need it soon as I'll be testing this hull next weekends race. Let me know if there is someone else I can get one in a pinch.
Hey Rob I'm having a hell of a time getting my Allison and Dan needs some stuff as well (driver) I've been waiting for Larry to let me know when he's ready so I can pay for the stuff I wanted. I will need it soon as I'll be testing this hull next weekends race. Let me know if there is someone else I can get one in a pinch.
Larry Kraemer is the only one that I know of Kevin....Maybe Call Larry? Or, borrow Pauls out of the Supertest when he's not looking....
She hit the water this weekend and at first I was not very happy..... I had put a dent in the stuffing tube while sanding and was hoping the prop shaft would smooth it back out but no such luck. It did however go out and come back in a not so spectacular way. After replacing the stuffing tube and I might add you almost can't see the cut, pipe at 12" and a Picco engine for power strut set by eyeball as to where I thought I'd like the boat to ride. Hit the water and man did she go. I'll be posting the picks of the finished hull with details now being finished some letters and some more clear and a Allison engine sticking out the top. She has been a interesting re-build and the end result was very satisfying. I did not think it would go as well as it did due to the added weight that it took on from repairs. Stay tuned the Tahoe Miss rides again :lol:
Hey Rob I'm having a hell of a time getting my Allison and Dan needs some stuff as well (driver) I've been waiting for Larry to let me know when he's ready so I can pay for the stuff I wanted. I will need it soon as I'll be testing this hull next weekends race. Let me know if there is someone else I can get one in a pinch.
That kinda stings, Kevin. I've tried to accomodate you by scratch-building an aux blower set-up that I will be lucky to sell 6 of in the next ten years. I sent you an e-mail in January concerning driver details & included a dollar amount for your entire order. I never got a response or a check. I went out on a limb & ordered the uni anyway based on a pic that I have & have received it (getting the custom uniforms is usually the biggest cause for delay on any of my shipments). With no response from you I shelved the plugs & set about building a new bench w/ a vac attachment to improve the quality of my molds. I have several other molds I need to make & plan to pour them all (including yours) at the same time. You and I have clearly had a communication breakdown but I have to say - I was surprised to find myself thrown under the bus on this forum because of it and I find it rather distasteful. I've been around too long to get really upset about something like this but like I said - it stings a little (Geez I'd like throw a couple of swear words in here somewhere). So here's how it works on your planet, Kevin. Send money, get parts. If you are happy, tell the rest of the world. If you are not, tell me!

With all due respect, Larry
Same with me, Larry's easy to deal with, though I'm lucky enough to be able to deal with him in person :)
Larry this was all a communication error. I was waiting for you as you e-mail stated you did not have everything I requested. I have sent you several e-mails with no response. I am by no means mad at you and errors are made. This was in no way a bash on you but a way for me to get something in the hole until I could get it from you. Send me a paypal addy or a address to send the cheque and a dollar amount and off it go's to you.
