r/c boat data recorder


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gil sonsino

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2004
Here is a great but expensive tool that most of us would love to have in our boats to improve performance.... the eagle tree system.

take a look at : www.hobbycom.no


I just want to tell everyone about my first ride with the BDR installed in the boat. I can just say it worked great and I learned a lot from it!! Though, I had to add a special battery pack to the recorder because my rudder servo demanded a lot of power so the recorder kept restarting when I just used the RX acc pack. I also had problems with the the speed measurement with the air pitot tube - jumpy numbers.

I haven't tuned my pipe yet so the RPM was just up to 16 000 and according the engine manual top rpm should be around 20-21 000. To see my data and graphs presented in an MS Excel file see:


By the way I used two component Epoxy to glue my magnet in small hole in the fly wheel. It's still there.

There is special place where you can get more info, pics and answers to your specific questions about the RC Boat Data Recorder. Bill Parry the founder of ETS is an active member.


I represent Brother Hobbies which is an official dealer to ETS. We deliver world wide and have low prices. Just let me know if you have any questions or post them your self in the forum. www.rcdatarecorder.com

For more info please see:


Thx // Marcus :unsure:
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