Question for the scale guys


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What are the differences and can a 8701 make the others without many mods?
8701 was the WINSTON EAGLE 29 8 length 14 5 wide 44.5 max long 23.8 wide newton plan150

8710 was BUD 29 lenght 13'6 wide 44.5" max long 22.3 wide newton plan149

8700 was Miller 29 6 lenght 13 6 wide 45.25 max long 22.3 wide newton plan146

So what hull do you have to work with? Go look at the boat list on the Newton plan

and check the hull roster specs.
What are the differences and can a 8701 make the others without many mods?
8701 was the WINSTON EAGLE 29 8 length 14 5 wide 44.5 max long 23.8 wide newton plan150

8710 was BUD 29 lenght 13'6 wide 44.5" max long 22.3 wide newton plan149

8700 was Miller 29 6 lenght 13 6 wide 45.25 max long 22.3 wide newton plan146

So what hull do you have to work with? Go look at the boat list on the Newton plan

and check the hull roster specs.
8701 and 8710 are reversed. The 8701 is the Bud and the 8710 is the Winston.

The Bud has the Jones style sponsons which I believe the others do not. So it would be difficult to turn it into any of the others without extensive mods. Although you could probably make the 8901 Bud with it.
What are the differences and can a 8701 make the others without many mods?
8701 was the WINSTON EAGLE 29 8 length 14 5 wide 44.5 max long 23.8 wide newton plan150

8710 was BUD 29 lenght 13'6 wide 44.5" max long 22.3 wide newton plan149

8700 was Miller 29 6 lenght 13 6 wide 45.25 max long 22.3 wide newton plan146

So what hull do you have to work with? Go look at the boat list on the Newton plan

and check the hull roster specs.

Mike is assisting me in the hull styles. I am wanting to take my 8701 Budweiser Hull like Ken Hildreth is running and make in to a newer hull Oberto, York or the like. I see the cowlings are different and the front canard wings. My question is can I use the sponson canoes and make a new center section of the hull and make new cowlings. I am wanting to make a new mold to make some of the newer hulls that are running now. I have been looking at some ot the full scale sites and also at Newtons site but cant really tell. Any information or guidence would be appreciated. I have uploaded a picture of the hull out of the mold in my gallery.

Joe Moceri St. Louis Thunderboaters
I know the Oberto hull has taken some of the design aspects from the Elam and former Bud hulls, to name a few. One thing to remember about the Oberto is the cockpit shape is different in the front than the rest of the boats. The boat also uses a modified version of the engine cowl from the 1991-2006 boat, the main difference being the modifed front to fit the new cockpit design. I was able to get some detail shots of the boat prior to the Seafair Chevrolet Cup, so when I get the film developed, I'll try to post them
What are the differences and can a 8701 make the others without many mods?
8701 was the WINSTON EAGLE 29 8 length 14 5 wide 44.5 max long 23.8 wide newton plan150

8710 was BUD 29 lenght 13'6 wide 44.5" max long 22.3 wide newton plan149

8700 was Miller 29 6 lenght 13 6 wide 45.25 max long 22.3 wide newton plan146

So what hull do you have to work with? Go look at the boat list on the Newton plan

and check the hull roster specs.

Mike is assisting me in the hull styles. I am wanting to take my 8701 Budweiser Hull like Ken Hildreth is running and make in to a newer hull Oberto, York or the like. I see the cowlings are different and the front canard wings. My question is can I use the sponson canoes and make a new center section of the hull and make new cowlings. I am wanting to make a new mold to make some of the newer hulls that are running now. I have been looking at some ot the full scale sites and also at Newtons site but cant really tell. Any information or guidence would be appreciated. I have uploaded a picture of the hull out of the mold in my gallery.

Joe Moceri St. Louis Thunderboaters

Go to the NAMBA site and print off the hull roster ifyou dont have it. Looks like the hull would fall into the size range for those boats. Trick is to have it look like the hull you want, all the boats have different shape sponson or cowl and wing setups. So it is hard to get one size fits all.

Then you have the guys out west worring about all the details matching, good luck making everyone happy.

Join the club of guys wanting to make all the new hulls HA

I am planning to redo the BUD T5 to suit the new hulls too, I have alot of pictures of all the new ones from this summer so If any different parts are neede I should be able to do them.

Come over to Evansville we can talk about it some more.

Now Phil, we're not that bad, we just want perfect :lol:
Ha thats not bad just that you all are more informed than the rest of the clubs so you expect more perfect. :lol:

If everyone built to the specs of the RCU things would be better for scale detailed boats, but lots of people dont have the resources or the correct documentation,

In this world of instant comunication things are better with the exchange of knowlege between areas of the country and even the world.

Phil, My Bud hull (BRAND X) as you call them, runs real well. I want to put my self a scale together to run next year. The 8701 only makes the all red bud and the gold and red one. Kenny is already that hull in our club. I want to possibly modify my hull to make a newer dated hull. From what I can see in pictures, the cowling is different and a wing across the front. These parts are no concern to me at this time, I will make new molds later. I am just seeing if the hull, with the sponson design of the 8701 will work for the newer hulls. Is there any pictures on the web that can direct me in the changes or plans out there. I cant seem to find my answers by looking at pictures, That is why I am asking the scale masters like your self.

PM me and I will give you my cell # and we can talk. I will not be able to make the Evansville race.

Thanks, Joe
Actually, the 8701 has 3 registrations available:

1987-89 with the T-1 styled cowling and gold/red/white paint

1990-93 with the more rectangled intake with the gold/red/white paint

1994 and after with the all red w/white lettering

Some clubs MIGHT have more for the T-2 as well. Harry would know more about that than I would
Now Phil, we're not that bad, we just want perfect laugh.gif
Just a little scanal, as I like to call it. :lol:

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Phil, My Bud hull (BRAND X) as you call them, runs real well. I want to put my self a scale together to run next year. The 8701 only makes the all red bud and the gold and red one. Kenny is already that hull in our club. I want to possibly modify my hull to make a newer dated hull. From what I can see in pictures, the cowling is different and a wing across the front. These parts are no concern to me at this time, I will make new molds later. I am just seeing if the hull, with the sponson design of the 8701 will work for the newer hulls. Is there any pictures on the web that can direct me in the changes or plans out there. I cant seem to find my answers by looking at pictures, That is why I am asking the scale masters like your self.PM me and I will give you my cell # and we can talk. I will not be able to make the Evansville race.

Thanks, Joe
Who's hull do you have?. The amount of modifications you need to make also depends on what verision of the 8701 you have. If you have a FrRitz hull, it comes with the rounded sponson edges, which makes it easier to do other modern hulls, but also has the tiplets on it, which without removal, really limits you to the Bud boats.

Bear in mind there are more Bud boats than you list, there is the T2 in either Gold or red, and the T-3 in either gold or red. Are all four taken in your club?

The sponson design will make almost any new boat through about 2000, but there are many other modifications that would need to be made, primairily cockpit area and cowling. Virtually every unlimited running is a derivitive of the Bud boats. With the 38" and 48" sponson difference.
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Phil, My Bud hull (BRAND X) as you call them, runs real well. I want to put my self a scale together to run next year. The 8701 only makes the all red bud and the gold and red one. Kenny is already that hull in our club. I want to possibly modify my hull to make a newer dated hull. From what I can see in pictures, the cowling is different and a wing across the front. These parts are no concern to me at this time, I will make new molds later. I am just seeing if the hull, with the sponson design of the 8701 will work for the newer hulls. Is there any pictures on the web that can direct me in the changes or plans out there. I cant seem to find my answers by looking at pictures, That is why I am asking the scale masters like your self.PM me and I will give you my cell # and we can talk. I will not be able to make the Evansville race.

Thanks, Joe
Who's hull do you have?. The amount of modifications you need to make also depends on what verision of the 8701 you have. If you have a FrRitz hull, it comes with the rounded sponson edges, which makes it easier to do other modern hulls, but also has the tiplets on it, which without removal, really limits you to the Bud boats.

Bear in mind there are more Bud boats than you list, there is the T2 in either Gold or red, and the T-3 in either gold or red. Are all four taken in your club?

The sponson design will make almost any new boat through about 2000, but there are many other modifications that would need to be made, primairily cockpit area and cowling. Virtually every unlimited running is a derivitive of the Bud boats. With the 38" and 48" sponson difference.

I have my own molds made from a scratch built boat made from Newton plans.(8701) I am looking to change it up. I like the color schemes and looks of some of the newer hulls. The sponsons are the rounded edge styles. I was thinking I can use the sponsons from my boat molds and make a new center area and cowls to resemble the new boats like the York or Oberto. I see the rears of the newer boats have different shaped shoes and rear vertical wings also. I am looking for some picks if those hulls have a center tub area. The hull I have the sponson bottoms are the tri stepped style. I can post or send some pictures of what I have to work with on my hull. Thanks for the help.

Phil, My Bud hull (BRAND X) as you call them, runs real well. I want to put my self a scale together to run next year. The 8701 only makes the all red bud and the gold and red one. Kenny is already that hull in our club. I want to possibly modify my hull to make a newer dated hull. From what I can see in pictures, the cowling is different and a wing across the front. These parts are no concern to me at this time, I will make new molds later. I am just seeing if the hull, with the sponson design of the 8701 will work for the newer hulls. Is there any pictures on the web that can direct me in the changes or plans out there. I cant seem to find my answers by looking at pictures, That is why I am asking the scale masters like your self.PM me and I will give you my cell # and we can talk. I will not be able to make the Evansville race.

Thanks, Joe
Who's hull do you have?. The amount of modifications you need to make also depends on what verision of the 8701 you have. If you have a FrRitz hull, it comes with the rounded sponson edges, which makes it easier to do other modern hulls, but also has the tiplets on it, which without removal, really limits you to the Bud boats.

Bear in mind there are more Bud boats than you list, there is the T2 in either Gold or red, and the T-3 in either gold or red. Are all four taken in your club?

The sponson design will make almost any new boat through about 2000, but there are many other modifications that would need to be made, primairily cockpit area and cowling. Virtually every unlimited running is a derivitive of the Bud boats. With the 38" and 48" sponson difference.

I have my own molds made from a scratch built boat made from Newton plans.(8701) I am looking to change it up. I like the color schemes and looks of some of the newer hulls. The sponsons are the rounded edge styles. I was thinking I can use the sponsons from my boat molds and make a new center area and cowls to resemble the new boats like the York or Oberto. I see the rears of the newer boats have different shaped shoes and rear vertical wings also. I am looking for some picks if those hulls have a center tub area. The hull I have the sponson bottoms are the tri stepped style. I can post or send some pictures of what I have to work with on my hull. Thanks for the help.

If you would send me a pic or two that would help in giving you ideas. Does your boat have the tiplets on the rear?

Send whatever you can to me at [email protected]

I think another boat you might consider is the U-10 from this year. It is kind of cool looking, ran good for real at the last couple of races. It was originally the 8901 sister of your hull. It has of course had modifications to the cockpit area over the years but might be a fairly easy conversion.

Check out the pics here. U-10

It is the yellow and blue boat in the first set of pics.
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Phil, My Bud hull (BRAND X) as you call them, runs real well. I want to put my self a scale together to run next year. The 8701 only makes the all red bud and the gold and red one. Kenny is already that hull in our club. I want to possibly modify my hull to make a newer dated hull. From what I can see in pictures, the cowling is different and a wing across the front. These parts are no concern to me at this time, I will make new molds later. I am just seeing if the hull, with the sponson design of the 8701 will work for the newer hulls. Is there any pictures on the web that can direct me in the changes or plans out there. I cant seem to find my answers by looking at pictures, That is why I am asking the scale masters like your self.PM me and I will give you my cell # and we can talk. I will not be able to make the Evansville race.

Thanks, Joe
Who's hull do you have?. The amount of modifications you need to make also depends on what verision of the 8701 you have. If you have a FrRitz hull, it comes with the rounded sponson edges, which makes it easier to do other modern hulls, but also has the tiplets on it, which without removal, really limits you to the Bud boats.

Bear in mind there are more Bud boats than you list, there is the T2 in either Gold or red, and the T-3 in either gold or red. Are all four taken in your club?

The sponson design will make almost any new boat through about 2000, but there are many other modifications that would need to be made, primairily cockpit area and cowling. Virtually every unlimited running is a derivitive of the Bud boats. With the 38" and 48" sponson difference.

I have my own molds made from a scratch built boat made from Newton plans.(8701) I am looking to change it up. I like the color schemes and looks of some of the newer hulls. The sponsons are the rounded edge styles. I was thinking I can use the sponsons from my boat molds and make a new center area and cowls to resemble the new boats like the York or Oberto. I see the rears of the newer boats have different shaped shoes and rear vertical wings also. I am looking for some picks if those hulls have a center tub area. The hull I have the sponson bottoms are the tri stepped style. I can post or send some pictures of what I have to work with on my hull. Thanks for the help.

If you would send me a pic or two that would help in giving you ideas. Does your boat have the tiplets on the rear?

Send whatever you can to me at [email protected]

I think another boat you might consider is the U-10 from this year. It is kind of cool looking, ran good for real at the last couple of races. It was originally the 8901 sister of your hull. It has of course had modifications to the cockpit area over the years but might be a fairly easy conversion.

Check out the pics here. U-10

It is the yellow and blue boat in the first set of pics.
Harry, That is one of the boats I thought would work from my molds of the hull with changes to the cowling. The winglets are not made on to my hull mold. I have a separate mold for them and they are installed after pulling hull. I will foward some pictures in the morning to you. Thanks for the help.

Harry, Thanks for the advice for changes to my hull. I have emailed you one more question. I think I can get to modifying hull now. I will post some pictures when in the process in my gallery. all is appreciated.

Harry, Thanks for the advice for changes to my hull. I have emailed you one more question. I think I can get to modifying hull now. I will post some pictures when in the process in my gallery. all is appreciated.Joe

Last question answered. Budweiser style verticals. Note the scallops at the bottom rear.
Harry, Thanks for the advice for changes to my hull. I have emailed you one more question. I think I can get to modifying hull now. I will post some pictures when in the process in my gallery. all is appreciated.Joe

Last question answered. Budweiser style verticals. Note the scallops at the bottom rear.
Ive heard of when Harry met Sally but Harry and Joe? Thanks Harry it will be a treat to see the results maybe Joe will save me a cull nah no culls........Mike