Qatar onboard video of fire


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You know he hit the water hard enough to break the motor mounts maybe he got his bell rung and that is what took him so long to act about the fire.
He sure waited long enough to get out and try to do something.
That's funny Norm!!! Were you watching the clock??? How long did it take him to get out, and after saving himself, to save the cowl... That documented timeline tells the truth... Seems like forever, but he did save the cowl, right? Smart thinking... after you are safe and can't do much else.... That's an expensive item... he knows that!!! I'm pretty sure that wasn't the first thing he focused on saving.... Dave did a good job in my opinion.

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From the time the boat hit the water the second time (1:11) till it stopped took 19 seconds. It then took 50 seconds for Dave to pop the canopy. It next took another 45 seconds to exit the cockpit and 20 more to unfasten and throw the cowl into the water. It wasn't until the 3:45 mark that Dave finally stepped onto the rescue boat so from second impact to abandoning took a grand total of 2:34