Like Don said, the standard for a heat racing rigger is the Neu 1527 1Y and a castle Ice 240. Very reliable and you can use common 45 and 67 size nitro props. Other options would be the Castle 1717 1500kv or HET equivalent to the Neu 1527. The Neu 2215 1Y is also strong if you have the room. A Lehner 2250, 2260 or 2280 in the 1200 to 1500kv range.
I built this rigger in my spare time. I run leopard 4082 1600kv on 6-s with seaking 180 amp esc. everything runs barely warm. see video;
red boat was prototype i have a white brand new one for sale on offshore electric and shortly will be on this site. the test boat ran 70 mph as seen in video. after trimming mid to upper 70's. leopard and seaking are good combo for the money.