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Props-4-U Inventory Reduction Sale


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I replied to your mail today. I have been in and out of town on business

for the last few months. I am really busy with my regular job at the

Cherry Capital Airport here in Traverse City,Michigan. I will be slowing down

my propeller business now, because of many other time commitments in my

life right now. I am working on your order this week and will get it out to you.

Sorry for the slow turn around fellas, I just don't have much extra time right


Thanks For Your Patience,

Mark Sholund
Just checkin' in Mark. It's been 8 weeks. If you are having problems finding time to do the work, you can always just refund my money.
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Hi Mark,

Hope all is going well, was wondering what you charge for a x450/2 prop raw?

Thank You ,

Those of you who have stood up for Mark, you know him better than I do. You may be 100% correct about the kind of person he is. On the other hand, all I know is what I see. Here's what I see: I sent some guy I don't know from Adam, a hundred and thirty-some-odd dollars for a couple of crummy props a few days before Christmas. Now, nearly a week after Valentine’s Day, all I have is a handful of Internet posts telling me what a stand-up guy he is.

How hard is it to re-work a couple of X430s? There is not much metal to remove to finish them. I've done several of them; it doesn't take but an hour or two, maybe less if you have lots of experience/equipment. I wanted to try some of Mark's props. I like to experiment and compare. At that price I paid, I may have ordered a third prop, but after a couple of months, I forget what it was and I had planned to do with it.

Now to his credit, Mark did say on Monday, January 28, just before 7:00 am that he was working on them "this week" and would get them out. He thanked us for our patience. That was more than three weeks ago. I haven't heard a word from him since.

What would your mortgage company do if you were over 60 days late on payment? They’d turn you in to the credit reporting agency as a flake and start foreclosure proceedings. What if you failed to pay your electric bill for over 60 days? Do you think you would be sitting in the dark?

Maybe you people that know Mark do business differently in your circles. I know when I tell my clients I will do something; I damn well do it. Especially when they pay me cash-up-front (and they do, to the tune of thousands of dollars). And if I tell my clients "this week", you can bet it gets done "this week". My word is worth something. At this point, I can not say the same thing of Mark. And if I gave my clients this kind of “schuck and jive”, they would have every right in the world to call me a flake.

Mark, after two months, my patience is gone. If you don't have the time or desire to follow through on your word, just send my money back. Now.
Those of you who have stood up for Mark, you know him better than I do. You may be 100% correct about the kind of person he is. On the other hand, all I know is what I see. Here's what I see: I sent some guy I don't know from Adam, a hundred and thirty-some-odd dollars for a couple of crummy props a few days before Christmas. Now, nearly a week after Valentine’s Day, all I have is a handful of Internet posts telling me what a stand-up guy he is.
How hard is it to re-work a couple of X430s? There is not much metal to remove to finish them. I've done several of them; it doesn't take but an hour or two, maybe less if you have lots of experience/equipment. I wanted to try some of Mark's props. I like to experiment and compare. At that price I paid, I may have ordered a third prop, but after a couple of months, I forget what it was and I had planned to do with it.
$130 bucks for a couple of X430's :eek: DAMM!!!! I'd be pissed too.

I just built a jeweled balancer from Rod Geraghty's plans.

I'll do'em for $100 :lol:

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$130 bucks for a couple of X430's :eek: DAMM!!!! I'd be pissed too.
I just built a jeweled balancer from Rod Geraghty's plans.

I'll do'em for $100 :lol:

In all fairness to Mark, there was another prop in that order; but as I said, it has been so long, I forgot what it was and where I planned to use it.

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Well,.. I've worked with Mark for a long time. He's been understanding to me being behind. Maybe you should try to call him directly.

I know one thing is for sure,.. the props he does work very well.. It's about all I run...
Maybe you should try to call him directly.
I know one thing is for sure,.. the props he does work very well.. It's about all I run...

There’s a bit more to this story that I left out, because I thought it was irrelevant. When I first contacted Mark, all I was looking for was a price. His immediate response was a price quote (not cheap, but then if his work is as good as others have said, the price was acceptable), and notification that he had already ordered the props and was starting the work. I did not want to be a chump and “stiff” some guy I don’t know that went to the trouble to order parts on just my price inquiry alone, so I said to myself: “What the heck, I’ll spend the money.” I told him to proceed, and sent the money immediately, even though I had not intended to place the order at that time.

Talk to him directly? I have in the past, but other than my initial contact, his replies were either non-existent or unacceptably late. He did respond to me here on this Forum, so it is here where I will speak to him. Mark has already spent my money and has failed to do the work as promised; it’s up to him to contact me to do the explaining.

It’s not about the money. Hell, I spend that kind of money on a bottle of wine and all I get to show for it is a good buzz. What irritates me to no end is being “shined on” by somebody that fits my definition of a flake.
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Dr. Jet.. i understand your anger,, i have sold items in the past and its taken me awhile to get them shipped for one reason or the other...but they shipped.... In Marks case like others have said he is one of the best in our hobby....I have been a personal friend of his for years..i have tried to reach him myself and having no luck AND THAT IS RARE FOR MARK not to return calls...I know its your money and not mine ,,but let this play itself out and I'am sure you will happy in the end.....how long i cant tell you..

I hope its not the worse being a health issue or family issue...for Mark...Dr.Jet,, I'am sure Mark will uphold his talents by sending you your props....I will try on my end to get a answer for you...Sincerely,,,

All kidding aside I have bought a few things from Mark mostly raw props and glow plugs and he has never done me wrong. I know that this doesn't help your situation but I'm just offering more testimony.

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Friends of Mark, et.al.

Mark probably is a decent, "stand-up" guy, I'll take you at your word, although believing in what total strangers tell me is how I wound up writing this drivel in the first place. He's just not a good businessman at all. I won't call him a theif or a liar (just yet), I'll give him the chance to prove what kind of man he is or is not.

How many months would YOU wait on a total stranger to "come through"?

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dr. jet,,not making any judgement here but you are time wise correct,,,lets here from mark first...and i will try and help resolve this...I'am positive all will be fine in the end...
Something must be up with Mark to not take care of you in a timely fashion this guy has always gone the extra mile to make his customers happy.

Hopefully it is not a health issue.

Try to be patient I am sure he will come through and if something is wrong with Mark and he can't fill your order then let us know what props you had ordered and maybe the guy's on I.W. will be able to help you out.

He has donated more props to races than anyone I know , so if need be we can cover for him .

As I said he is a stand up guy and for him to not fullfill his comitment is very unusual.

Tim K
maybe the guy's on I.W. will be able to help you out.
Tim K

In the big picture, a couple of props are relatively unimportant. I can re-work my own, no problem. As I said before, I wanted to try some of Mark's props since they came highly recommended.

I'll give him more time to respond. I mean, afterall, Christmas was just the other day. :rolleyes:

Let's see what kind of man he is. Nobody needs to call him, nobody needs to follow-through for him, let's see what he is made of. If he's ill, he can have someone write an email for him. I suppose it might be worth the buck-thirty to find out if I'm right or wrong on my assessment of Mark as a person.

I'll let you know when I've waited long enough, and I'll let you know what I REALLY think.
Hey Dr. Jet

Do you have a name?

I have many props from Mark and some get to me fast and some get to me slow, but the workmanship has always been outstanding. He has even sent props for me to try before paying for them as well as replacing props that didn't work.

Robert Holland
Hey Dr. Jet
Do you have a name?
Bill Knoll

I got the "Dr. Jet" moniker when I was President of the Silent Electric Flyers of San Diego. I don't hide behind the Jet name, I wear it as a badge of honor.

I have many props from Mark and some get to me fast and some get to me slow,
What is your definition of "slow"?

the workmanship has always been outstanding
Robert Holland
That's why I sent him the buck-thirty sight unseen.

I think this topic has wound its course. Nothing more need be said for a while. I thought of filing a dispute with PayPal, but since everybody says what a great guy he is, I'll give it a few more days before I go that route.
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Dr. Jet,

I understand your frustration,because I have been there or caused it to another. The one thing I can say about Mark is that he is one of the best people I have met on this board and I would like to say he is my friend.

A while ago I put an add in this forum for a couple of props 5 to be exact, and a week later I found them in the mail. I called Mark later that afternoon (and yes it is very rare for him not to answer his messages or pm's/emails), and he told me to try them out, see what I thought, and if I did not like any of them keep what I want and send the rest back. He is a very nice guy and I know for a fact the reason for him slowing down his business, is due to lack of time between work and family. He has probly about 600.00 dollars worth of props of mine and I have no doubt that I will get them when he has time to finish my order. Just give him a chance to clear his name before there is any more bashing of his good name.

Not that my opinion counts in this matter, but how can you call a guy a liar or a crook when he has delivered more than 7000 props to the hobby since the opening of his business.
