prop guard boat stands


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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2009
Could you guys post some pics of sport 20 or 40 stands.I read you must have them for rscing but rarely see them and only on rigger stands thanx.
Andy is 100% correct the tables we use in District 3 all have prop guards at the end of every table, maybe Andy has a few pics he can post Robert
I guess there so you dont get your fingers or hand in there while starting your boat.5 yeats and never has hapened to me.a friend of mine did once he was rushing to get in the water and hit his hand but he was wereing mechanic gloves and it just cut the glove but this was just befor launch.
ya i would like to see that.this will be my first race seson.Ive been boating for 5 or 6 years for fun.
I have a question about "prop guards" What are they protecting against?
Rick ,more than anything the table guards eliminate another racer / pitman ect (someone in the hotpits) From backing into a prop on a running boat and if the tables are arranged properly- keeps the props away from the walk areas and the bow of the boat facing them. Do we all KNOW better than stick our finger in a prop ? yep - does it happen ? yeeep. I have seen more close calls that people NEVER realized how close they came to a spinning prop in the hot pits - guys launching/guys walking back with their boats talking about the last heat and somehow have never seen someone get - got. The guy that slipped and fell with a running Gas boat last year at the WN was the spookiest thing I have witnessed in regards props accidents. :blink:

I will see if I have a pic of the table type deal Robert- its VERY simple. ;)

The prop guard rules for both organizations are a JOKE. The prop guard has to be in the boat stand itself, so no matter where it's started it has a guard. OMHO................==={}
The prop guard rules for both organizations are a JOKE. The prop guard has to be in the boat stand itself, so no matter where it's started it has a guard. OMHO................==={}
So you would suggest the rules require the racer to have a built in type guard on the stand he / she brings to the hot pits-

and said stand must be used ?

Not kicking shzt - just asking, its good discussion that could use a look IMHO .
The prop guard rules for both organizations are a JOKE. The prop guard has to be in the boat stand itself, so no matter where it's started it has a guard. OMHO................==={}
So you would suggest the rules require the racer to have a built in type guard on the stand he / she brings to the hot pits-

and said stand must be used ?

Not kicking shzt - just asking, its good discussion that could use a look IMHO .
Andy, when I started racing in NAMBA in the NE, the rule said prop guard a must. My take was back and both sides, built my stands that way. Nothing fancy, just left over ply from the job site. ;) I guess being in construction a spinning blade guard means different things to different people. Again OMHO...............==={}
Its the only picture I have but it does go around the back also. Not sure who built this stand but it is nice! I can try and get some better pictures tomorrow night for you.
I have always built my stands with prop guard until 2 years ago I had a sport 20 that did not have one. Sure enough at a race my pit person got their shirt caught in the prop and had received a small cut. I was only starting the boat and it had not kicked on its on yet. Thank God I can not imagine the cut had the engine start up on its own. So from that time froward all my stands have some form of prop guard. It is unfortunate that it takes a accident or something bad to happen for us to change.
All of my boats get there own stands and all of them end up having prop guards built in to them.

With my prop guards they also protect the hardware on the back of the boat as well.
Many of the prop guards I've seen in the past would make the boat difficult to get off the stand and could damage the running gear?? If you pay attention to what you're doing and be aware of your surroundings there should be no problem in the hot pits. There's way more danger in carrying a running boat often down a slope or steps when they're wet, than sitting on a starting stand!!

Great info guys .I like the pvc stands cheap and easy to make i will make a new one longer and box in the sides and back with some 1/8 '' ply just to be safe and legal.I would hate to so some one get hurt from my boat.I agre that launching is more danger .I went and watch a gas boat and the launch looked a little scechy.those are some big props and at 4 ft long .