Prop duplicator.


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Maybe part of a CNC paint machine to spray the red maple leaf on Canadian geese???? Hummm?
also known as the cobra chicken.

Nice machine, the only problem is you have the wrong propellers
on it to set current records. Great idea though! See you at the end
of the month in Flint, Michigan.

Updated post:

Don't get me wrong Terry, Octura Propellers have set more records in model boating

than any other propeller manufacture out there.

It just seems that a lot of the most current records are being set with ABC Propellers.

Thanks For Sharing Terry,

Mark Sholund
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Nice machine, the only problem is you have the wrong propellers

on it to set current records. Great idea though! See you at the end

of the month in Flint, Michigan.

Thanks For Sharing Terry,

Mark Sholund

lol! That 2175 was just for testing.

I'll have my new "same gamers plus a twist" out this fall!
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Just add a ball end mill on a flex shaft grinder with a matching ball follower on the other stylus. You now have a tracer milling set up. That should give you a precision duplicate of any propeller. You can pick the best blade on the master and get nearly identical blades on the duplicate. Naturally the duplicate needs to have some extra material for machining.

Lohring Miller

the impression of a propeller blade by molding is it not more precise ?


Then how do you transfer that to the blade you're trying to copy?
I wax the propeller to copy, after I take the imprint of the blade with polyester putty, once the mold of the blade cut off, I apply it on each blade to copy and trace the outline, I put a photo a little later

first, I modify a blade, then I wax and make the mold of the modified blade, then I apply the molding on the other blade stock to trace the modification to perform

octura 1655 detongued1655 detongued.jpgmoulage 1655.jpgHélice et Moulure.jpg1655 + moulure.jpg1655 stock + moulage.jpg
