Promoting interest on an IMPBA pond


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Membership Coverage

All members in good standing will be covered at “sponsored, scheduled, and supervised activities.” This means the coverage is good at sanctioned and club races.

To answer Bill's question(and step in here anytime guys) Is what can he do to promote new members? Here's a senario: Let's suppose Bill went to our IMPBA supported pond on an off-day with a couple of kids to let them run boats. He didn't Call/Mail or notify IMPBA in any way. I suppose you could call this a "Supervised activity" but IMPBA doesn't know about it.. So, then one of the kids - chops his/her finger off.. Is this kid covered under IMPBA?? Probably not!! Senario #2. A group of IMPBA insured club members go to the same pond on a Tuesday and run tunnels..(Just a bunch of good ole racers).. Johnny runs his boat - up on shore and hits Ralph in the shin and breaks his leg.. Is Ralph covered under IMPBA? Not a sanctioned event/ Not supervised / but they are in good standing with IMPBA... This means the coverage is good at sanctioned and club races.

I wonder if Ralph filed a claim - if IMPBA would cover this? Maybe Kevin S. can shed some light.
senario #2 Yes they would be covered.
Bill, thanks for clearing this up.. Hey Mic, not too savy on insurance policies - but if we had 1000 members in IMPBA and if everyone paid $1.00 more for their membership and it was applied to let's say(a co-pay like we pay in our medical visits/mines $25.00), couldn't we apply this co-pay to new members to try their boats for 1-day? We could log their name - send it to the main IMPBA office and they would be covered for that all important(Do I have the bug or not). Then, if they did have the bug -They send in their fees to IMPBA.. Like you said, most people will know in one day of running if they are going to commit or not.. Also, Bill Watchler could have a bunch of kids out at the pond for that day(Stipulation is that Bill would have to contact the IMPBA office). This would be piece of mind for Bill/the kids involved and IMPBA. I would be more than willing to give 1 extra buck to see that happen..

Not that easy just adding a few dollars per member. Having and promoting inexperienced members puts a whole new risk and costs in the mix. For the sake of argument convince 1000 members that say a $10 yearly dues increase for what some feel will grow membership. See what that brings to the table. This thread needs to go back to more varied ideas on promoting besides one time insurance. I am going to start a stand off thread with some insurance facts you need to know and get the insurance portion out of this discussion.

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my dad has never been a member of the IMPBA, we didn't forget his card, I forgot that non-members couldn't be in the hot pits or launch or be a caller. The fact that you must be a member to participate in any way shape or form, helper or otherwise is an issue, and a major part of our growth problem. My dad has been my caller and pit man for many years with airplanes, in fact he was my main go to pit guy at Top Gun for more than 10 years and he was never an AMA member.

have a merry one

Oh, Isee. Sorry. It was very nice to meet you both last year in Mendota.


Not that easy just adding a few dollars per member. Having and promoting inexperienced members puts a whole new risk and costs in the mix. For the sake of argument convince 1000 members that say a $10 yearly dues increase for what some feel will grow membership. See what that brings to the table. This thread needs to go back to more varied ideas on promoting besides one time insurance. I am going to start a stand off thread ewith some insurance facts you need to know and get the insurance portion out of this discussion.

O.k., I get the point. Just trying to throw some ideas out there.. You know, one of the main things that I'm sure every kid or young adult has go through their mind when considering on purchasing that new boat is this: "How am I going to retrieve it"? "What happens if my boat stalls in the middle of the pond"? I know i did back in the 80's... Until I hooked-up with you guys in the back of the Chevy dealer-ship in White Bear.. The club provides this and also provides the pond for the security of somewhere to run in the future.
Well looks like I will be giving IMPBA $20 more bucks. Just because my twin 7 year olds may be driving a boat on a non-race day one - four times next summer, with two IMPBA insured members by their side. I believe the insurense is a turn off to many. However I AGREE we need it.

Mic, I am not an agent. But is there any way non-members could sign a one time one day insurence policy to run on a IMPBA pond with a IMPBA menber by their side?

I think IMPBA should offer a 3 month membership for $25.00 If you dont know the bug has bit in 3 months your not very interested. This would be for NEW members who have NEVER signed up before
There are barriers to entry in this hobby making it difficult to promote. There is no question about it. While I would like to see some policy changes to reduce these barriers, one simple thing that each of us can do is to commit to bringing a new person to the pond each year… Even if it is only to watch.

Last summer I brought a neighborhood boy who was curious about boats to a district race. He enjoyed it so much that he joined IMPBA ($10 Jr. membership) and attended the last 3 races of the season. He is now saving his grass mowing money for a B-mono.

Bring someone new with you to the pond next season, or perhaps sponsor a junior membership for a young person in your neighborhood. It’s only $10 to sponsor a junior member. Maybe clubs should try to sponsor X number of junior members each year. It is a goal to shoot for. The barriers to entry increase for those 18 yrs and older. Capitalize on the cheap membership for young people.
The trial memberships do work, the AMA has had that set up for some time and it does work. IMHO the real issue here is not the money its the latitude.

Case in point, I brought my dad to Mendota last year to help and call for me but I forgot the membership restriction to be in the hot pit and call so he had to sit all weekend. With AMA you can use anyone you want to help in the pits, start your plane, call for you and that's where you hook new people is that hands on, up close experience.

I'm not an insurance guy but there's no way you're going to convince me that model boating is near the liability issue that RC aircraft are with 20 hp engines swinging 30" propellers not to mention helicopters??? The insurance we have for boating is entirely too restrictive and the fact it doesn't cover you at all times doesn't make sence either. Not trying to say our insurance pros aren't doing the best they can but something needs looked at.

Guys, I could not agree more. In Gregs dads case cant there be a way to check online? I would be PISSED if I forgot my IMPBA card, drove hours to sit. This is another issue that needs to be addressed. We have internet on are phones lets use the site to are full advantage. If the AMA can make it easier for people to be invovled. We should be able to do the same in IMPBA.

If you forget your card you pay again and get a refund......Bottom line keep your card in your pit box or wallet.
Well looks like I will be giving IMPBA $20 more bucks. Just because my twin 7 year olds may be driving a boat on a non-race day one - four times next summer, with two IMPBA insured members by their side. I believe the insurense is a turn off to many. However I AGREE we need it.

Mic, I am not an agent. But is there any way non-members could sign a one time one day insurence policy to run on a IMPBA pond with a IMPBA menber by their side?

The issue here is to get a rate from a carrier they need to know what the risk is. If you have a rules structure and proceedures they have actuaries who are like bookies that can give odds and know costs that would surprise you. The one day new guy trial adds a risk that is much greater than the experienced member. Then you have the local club official who says nothing happened after the fact and then never turns in the daily fee. This is hard to police and does happen and the insurance companies are exposed to a risk they don't get paid for. This skews the base that was figured on. Companies expect claims and actually are happy to pay legitimate ones as thats the nature of the business. What they do not like is lack of controls that stack the odds against them. With unknowns they either decline not to write a policy or charge enough to cover any possible circumstance.

Anyone who can't afford to ante up and is just telling you the insurance is whats keeping him from racing is may not be the long term member we are looking for. Your operating a vehicle that can hurt someone and you want someone else to pay for you. Yep thats the american way. People look for excuses and $45 is a cheap out. Or put it this way you pay the membership for your kids and then some guy on that one time membership does something that maybe a more experienced member might know not to do and hurts your kid. Accidents happen but we as a group don't need to make them easier to occur.

Man no football and we are being negative on Xmas.

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