PPG Catalyst Issue


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Tony Jacuzzi

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2002

How are you guys preventing your DU catalysts from going off in the can in between paint jobs. Since I use such small amounts when painting, I have several times gone to paint and found the hardener useless (jelly like). I was thinking about buying a fresh quart and then transferring the contents to small sealable cans or jars. Has anyone got a source or an idea for this problem. Thanks Tony J
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Tony Jacuzzi said:
Painters:  How are you guys preventing your DU catalysts from going off in the can in between paint jobs.  Since I use such small amounts when painting, I have several times gone to paint and found the hardener useless (jelly like).  I was thinking about buying a fresh quart and then transferring the contents to small sealable cans or jars.  Has anyone got a source or an idea for this problem.  Thanks Tony J

I've been shooting PPG for years & not had that happen. I also peel off the protective seal when you first open it & put it inside the cap. Did you keep paint stored in proper temp range?? Can let them get too hot or near freeze temps. :blink:
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I keep it in my basement workshop, and its only ever the catalyst that I have lost. I will try and keep the seal next time.. Thanks Tony j

I use an HVLP detail gun (cheapy) and now that I have learned how to use it am getting decent results. I have never air-brushed so I cant answer your question.. TJ
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Tony, your PPG dealer should be able to provide at low (if any) cost 1 qt. cans, i find them easier to store and use, and you only expose 1 qt. at a time...

Josh, I used PPG Pitthane Ultra on my circus circus, and my $12 airbrush worked better than the $80 HPLV gun.

Make sure you have a water separator somewhere in the system, or it'll fog up on you...

Shnick :D
This is a current problem that happens with most DV catalyst when in contact with air.My ppg dealer always divide my quarter in two or three cans depending on the amount I will need to paint at no cost .

It can easily be airbrushed but this will depend on your previous experience with an airbrush.

I use the Paasche type H airbrush to paint my riggers and I'm satisfied with the final results.

using a fast reducer works well for me when using an airbrush for graphics. i'm using a paasche vl with good results, but large areas are time consuming. ditto on the water trap. I would go with a touch up gun or something with a higher flow for clear coats. I use a gravity feed touchup hvlp for clear.
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Woodcraft sells a product called Bloxigyn (spelling) that puts a protective layer over paint and cat.