Phil Thomas down but not out


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
Phil fell the other day and blew a knee out so he wont be doing much except around the house for awhile. He told me no racing for at least 6 weeks,send him an email if you like [email protected] Its hell to get old
Oh My Goodness! I'm sorry to hear that, Phil. Hope you recover soon! Being laid up in the heat of summer is never fun.
Just got mine hacked on last week - I feel ya. Get well soon
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Phil, get that knee healed up , take doc's orders, you have to do therapy!!

take it easy my friend.
There ya go Phil,,, get yer-self a tall stool and lay up some hulls...

Get better soon Buddy,, fighting a badly bruised elbow right now myself...

As RRRobin says,,, "gettin old ain't for sissies"
Get well soon, buddy!

Glad you didn't fall off the saddle at'd never live that one down.

Have your wife bring home Jimmy Johns in one of those long lunch boxes.

Hope to see you in September.
Hi Phil,

Sorry to hear about your knee. The guys are right, it is the pits to get old. Get well soon!!