Rob and John,I may have a handling problem with my gas scale though it may not show now.Here is where I am.I'm prepping the boat for finish paint.No more testing until it's finished.Testing may end up at Evansville open water before the race.Four tanks of gas thru it with the modded K-30.I don't have the right prop yet.More props on order.Engine torque held the left sponson out of the water on all straight runs.Hull is a slightly modifed ML Boat wood hull.CG 1 1/2 to 2" behind the sponson.No lead weights in boat.Boat weight less fuel 22 LBS.Canard tilted down between 10 and 15 degrees.Strut down at rear 1 or 2 degrees from tunnel surface.Strut depth below tunnel 1".We were playing with this dim.and was varied during the few tanks we ran,but I don't have records of the best setting.Afterplane depth at rear ride pads 3/4".Rear ride pad depth below afterplane 1/4",In other words 1" below tunnel at rear of boat Two mini steps across each ride pad similar to real T-6.Ride pad profile very close to real T-6 from photos except reversed.Rudder length below the tunnel is 5".That is pretty much the boat setup.
I don't think the boat speed equals a fast scale.Turns are easily made on the buoys. Boat will go straight without doing anything crazy.I have not tried to make a left turn except minor course corrections.Tail seems to drag.John,what handling problems should I be looking for?
I can certainly see the advantage of keeping the pads out of the water in the straights.less drag,more speed.I'm sure there is not enough air under the boat to hold up the rear,and I don't have the correct prop to help out.
I reasoned in my misguided logic that boats like the T-6 seeme to have shorter sponsons in relation to overall length,and would therefore use the rear ride pads to help lift the rear.I noticed that boats without ride pads seemed to have longer sponsons in relation to overall length,which would make it easier to lift the back.(modern day turbine boats)
I made the additional height on my ride pads by using a balsa spacer covered with 1/16"ply which can be easily removed if it messes up boat handling.
Anyone with helpful comments please chime in.I will probably leave the pads as is and change after the Evansville race if needed.