Heres a pic of my Dumas Pay N pak 20.
First, I cant beleive that they actually mention using wood screws for the turn fin & rudder...I'm using Speedmasters .21/40 rudder and square bottom strut. The turnfin I picked up from a hong kong seller on ebay. I used 6-32 T-nuts for my turnfin mount (1/8 ply doubler on inside)
I was going to go ahead and use this engine mount, instead of the dumas one...
I wanted to keep the Dumas flavor and built it according to the plans more or less. What I've done was to make cutouts in all the frames & bulkheads in an attempt to keep the weight down. I did add 1/8 square stock along the bottom like HJ says as well as the top deck, especially along the non trip chines.
My next step was to remove the bulkhead 7, and just make bulkheads 5 & 6 my radio box.
The hull feels really light as of now. However I took a bottle of drinking water, which weighs .09 ounces (.5liter) and its definately heavier than the hull....
I remember that the cowl took almost as long to build as the hull on my 40 size U-76, I'm pretty much expecting the same here......
Cool trick that I'l share, I used my wifes iron and by holding and bending the sponsons sides and decks, I was able to get a nice bend in them so that they may fit over curves better. Just sprinkle a little bit of water over the area you want to bend and put the iron over your 1/16 ply skin and gently pull up and pressing down on the iron you'l get a nice bend....
When I epoxied the decks on, I placed the hull upside down so that the epoxy would flow onto the underside of the deck, instead of flowing down over the frames....