Oh C'mon HJ that dumas turn fin is good for at least poppin off the tabs on a soda can if your nails are too short so they're good for something. :lol:
I have a couple 1740 3 bladed and a 2 blade, a few X640's and a X442. Yeah I have that plastic dumas prop, I think they just put that in there just to make the kit "look" complete. It doesnt even have a slotted hub for the drive dog. I am for now going to use the hard shaft setup and see nothing wrong with it. Its a little bit longer than i need it and I'm going to have to trim off about an inch or so. I did drill and tap the Solinger .21 engine mounts to accept my OPS.21 speed SE and it turned out great! My hull is all finished and sealed up with Zpoxy, and today I sanded it down good with 320 grit paper. I ordered up more Klass-kote & reducer, and it'l be ready for paint when that comes in...I have the pay n pak decals cut from the trimsheet, looking good.
I'm an OPS guy and those are my Go-To engines. Besides I cant afford half a grand on a CMB or Rossi. I know they higher in power but still, half a grand---->