Park Fliers-Gliders ?


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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
Kicking around a park flier or glider - was looking for options for an entry level deal that wont be too expensive to play with - yet be decent quality. Baseball and football field type stuff.

Andy, I just got into planes this year.. I bought a Hobbyzone Super Cub. Great plane to fly and easy too. I ended up putting Ailerons in it and if flew even better.. In hindsight - I wouldn't have bought the plane whole becuase it cost around $190.00 dollars(Whole plane with Radio and batteries) If you have your own Radio - you could PART-UP the plane for $50.00 then buy a good motor(Brushless) - cost around 80-90bucks tops.. Now I'm flyinf a Focke Wulf FW190 and a Cessna 350 Corvallis. :lol: B) .. Lot's of fun.
I have a Futaba 2.4 Fast - buts its pistol :rolleyes:
How much you lookin to spend, actually the Hobbyzone mini cub would be better to learn & fly around in a Football field or Park field.. Probably would be cheaper than the Super cub - and 1/2 half the size.. Problem is the radio and/or receiver... That's what cost you the money..
Andy, Park Zone makes a BUNCH of planes that come in either RTF with radio or bind-n-fly...the ones that i have all came with a little 2.4 gig radio and work GREAT!3+ years old and NO problems...Flyzone has a plane called the Playmate,it costs about 80 bucks with radio, RTF and it flys great indoors or outdoors...very stable at low or high speeds. Just go online and you will find a ton of park and indoor/outdoor aircraft!
Thanks for the replies fellas-

Bill thats why I asked- there are SOOO many options .

Don - will do .

Grim , I would hate to kill a cool one right off the bat :D
