Painting Question


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"Also, for safety measures, what is the best type of respirator to use? I remember a buddy who spray painted his car for the first time- he only wore one of the cheap paper masks. He ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks."

3M makes a real nice dual cartidge respirator that sells for between $30-35. Any quality auto supplier or paint supplier will most likely have it in stock. Buy yourself some spare cartidge filter pads while you're at it. :)
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I have been using ppg paint for 15 years and on my boats i use urethane clear-dcc 2021:reducer-dt870:hardener-dcx61 this is a 4-1-1 mix and it will stand up to 70 percent nitro
Like Grim I use a Sears Touch Up Gun for the large coverage areas, and my airbrush for stripes, etc. I use the Touch Up Gun for all clear. I use PPG and Sherwin Williams paints and House of Kolor Kosmic Klear which is NASTY, NASTY, NASTY. You want to wear long sleeves, lung protection, and goggles. The stuff will make your eyes sticky! The consistency/viscosity of the clear is such that you really cannot spray it out of the airbrush. Great wet look finish though.

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