over heating engine bay


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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2005
Hi folks...newbie here again. Has anyone ever considered blocking off the air intake at the top of the cowl to prevent water from coming in? The engine is water cooled but would it be too hot inside the engine bay? I'm just trying to keep as mush water out as possible.


Hi folks...newbie here again. Has anyone ever considered blocking off the air intake at the top of the cowl to prevent water from coming in? The engine is water cooled but would it be too hot inside the engine bay? I'm just trying to keep as mush water out as possible.


What type of scale boat? If it is a turbine you wont get water in the air intake unless it is upside down. :D Air in the scoop and out the turbine tube will keep it cool. If you are worried about water, make some drain holes in the transom into the engine well.
Thanks Phil. It's a gas scale T6. Would a 1/4" hole on the left side transom take care of the water? I was worried about water into the carb from the scoop


A 1/8 hole would do the trick if put in the bottom left corner, that is if the boat will be raced primarily clockwise. The amount of water that will get in the boat is very small unless you drive right into someone else's roostertail so a large drain hole isn't really needed
Thanks Phil. It's a gas scale T6. Would a 1/4" hole on the left side transom take care of the water? I was worried about water into the carb from the scoop


Using the rcmk rz motor with the front end carb can be problems. I would make some kind of diverter/ water shield but leave the scoop open to get fresh air in.

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