OT hard water


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
I just bought a blade cx2 heli what a hoot me flyin watch your forehead. Highly recomended for the hard water season CHOPPER ONE OUT
I just bought a blade cx2 heli what a hoot me flyin watch your forehead. Highly recomended for the hard water season CHOPPER ONE OUT
I screwed up and got the CP model. It put a nice hole in the living room wall of the rent house. :blink:

Crash and Burn - Over and Out ;)

BE CAREFULL...dont mess with the birds.

you dont need water , you dont need retreval , maybe one or two glow plugs, no big $$$ fuel ....or special props ,

and after you mastered it , you wont get excited about any boat either.

pulling of a tricky move close to the ground gets a round of applause from the crowed that always gathers when you fire up a big heli.

it takes good setup , and some orientation practice , yeah all six channels at once ....

IF you mess with the dark side it can and will totally CONSUME YOU>>>>

Please consider yourself warned :lol: :lol:

Jason :unsure:

check out Helifreak , its very busy ,very freindly, and very involved . ask any questions , people there love giving others flight ... its magic
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Dang Jason. I haven't checked out the R/C Helicopters in a year or 12. Amazing what they are doing with the electrics! Just watched the video of the T-Rex 600 with the Kasama head. Amazing!!
would any of these whirly birds be recommended for a beginner with no rotary wing experience.

some fixed ...as if that matters.

and can they be flown outside in the winter or will the cold make them disintegrate WHEN you hit the ground

Oh heck yes , fixed wing experiece will set you up ..... its the same inputs .... figure out what mode you fly .

download 'for free' the complete set of 'bob finless build videos' , and you wont look back . bob's a champ , and he's online answering questions every day ...

get a sim .

get some quality gear , cheap bird , good electrics , radio , fut 401 gyro , some good servos ..

the reason so many people have problems , is they try to go cheap and its nothing but hastle ...

a good rig flys accurate ... and is very easy to hover and fly ...

i am still warning you its great fun ...

one of those coaxial helis is great for flying inside ....

and the help is endless on the net.

one of the reasons im flying heli , is the internet ... just so much essential info free to all who ask the quesetion.

if you want to fly start with a REX 450 , after that a 600 is so much easyer to fly ....

you can get good rex 450 all for the price of ONE good marine nitro motor .....parts for them are pepper corn ...

its all on the freak ..

Jase :lol: :p
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Dang Jason. I haven't checked out the R/C Helicopters in a year or 12. Amazing what they are doing with the electrics! Just watched the video of the T-Rex 600 with the Kasama head. Amazing!!
download some of the alan szabo videos , they are just breath taking ... he flys like a robot , just perfect ...

most of the good vids are flown by kids these days ..

I just bought a blade cx2 heli what a hoot me flyin watch your forehead. Highly recomended for the hard water season CHOPPER ONE OUT
SOS do not fly heli cx2 in a hotel room they do not like the makes it leaves on the walls :blink: :blink:
Dang Jason. I haven't checked out the R/C Helicopters in a year or 12. Amazing what they are doing with the electrics! Just watched the video of the T-Rex 600 with the Kasama head. Amazing!!
download some of the alan szabo videos , they are just breath taking ... he flys like a robot , just perfect ...

most of the good vids are flown by kids these days ..

Yup, Saw him. Still can't believe it, but I saw it. :eek:

If I was 20 again I might get into that but at 51, I don't think I can think in 6 Dimensions!! :lol:
quote ...

"If I was 20 again I might get into that but at 51, I don't think I can think in 6 Dimensions!! "

yeah six dimensions and 29 orientations ...

you dont have to fly like those young hot shots .

i make mine nice and nose heavy and its just perfect for cruising around ...

as fast or as slow as you want

quote ..."If I was 20 again I might get into that but at 51, I don't think I can think in 6 Dimensions!! "

yeah six dimensions and 29 orientations ...

you dont have to fly like those young hot shots .

i make mine nice and nose heavy and its just perfect for cruising around ...

as fast or as slow as you want

15 flights and all ive broken is a set of lower rotor blades and replaced the upper shaft. Maybe after a hundred i will stay in my lane LOL
Hey, now your talkin! :D I'm a heli-nut! My pride and joy is a Raptor 50 V2, JR 9303, all digital,Fut 401 gyro and my new pride and joy is the new Mini-Titan E325 that's still under construction. I've also got a Blade CP. It flys ok but the thing comes with a crappy radio that glitches all the time and if you put a lipo battery on it, it'll fly great till the motors burn out (which doesn't take long). Mines frankenstiened with a different RX taped on and the old RX sitting on the bench and a load of wires stickin out everywhere. I still love boats but our pond has a tendency to dry up in the warmer months. I surely being drawn over to the "dark side" :ph34r:
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