Optimal Pond/Lake Size


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IMPBA or NAMBA members allowed, etc.etc.
This is tough if you don't have control of the entire shoreline. We struggle with this on our Cup race pond. We think we have it handled and suddenly there is a pontoon puttering into the course. It's happened more than once and has shut down our event until resolved. Our club pond has a fence around it with a single access point. We obtain a special permit from the owner(the city) and insure accordingly. Still we occasionally have to argue with some locals when they want to use the pond while we race. ugh. We explain the permit, the insurance, blah blah blah. Not our job to police it. We only inform them of the cities requirements to use the pond. That kind of rot. If they persist we don't confront them. Just call the authorities and let them handle it.

The actual usable water on our pond is about 220' x 575'. The length is fine but it's a tic too narrow for a full NAMBA 6th mile course. I think the book says 50' worth of lanes. I'd have to look it up. Although, what the book says isn't really relevant since you still have to be able to drive it. 50' isn't enough. If I measure out a course on our pond I can get 75' of front straight. Again, a little light for faster stuff.

It might be worth contacting IMPBA or NAMBA and getting one of their brochures. I believe both organizations have them. Get a hold of Chris Rupley from IMPBA or Robert Holland from NAMBA. I'm sure they'll have some insight for you too. Don't get hung up on which organization is better either. They're both full of good people. All boater nut jobs. Go with which ever is popular in your area so that you get more potential racers.

Brochures like this Tri-Fold from NAMBA? (downloaded from the NAMBA website.)


Brochures like this Tri-Fold from NAMBA? (downloaded from the NAMBA website.)
You sure you hadnt done this before there Gamma Ray ?
That's the one. I knew I had seen one. Double side print it. Fold in the 3 locations and it comes out pretty cool. I think IMPBA has some propaganda they use too.

I race with both organizations. There are differences but nothing earth shattering. The common denominator is the people. Model boating attracts a certain type. 99% good folks. Group hug!
All of the advice you have been given is excellent. I have been involved in securing a number of sites for our club through the years. Liability is always a big issue and can be addressed as recommended in earlier posts. One issue that has always come up for our club during negotiations is the retrieve boat. The property owners were more concerned about people going out in the retrieve boat and falling into the water and possibly drowning. If this comes up, be prepared to tell them how you are going to manage it and who is authorized to be in the boat. Check with both IMPBA and NAMBA to see how they cover this in their current insurance policies. Most companies and municipalities will have their legal advisors review your documents and insurance certificates. Based on your picture the location will not have a noise issue to deal with. (You are blessed on this issue!!). Best advise I can give you is, "Don't brag about how fast the boats are". To non racers, high speed equates to dangerous conditions.Good luck in securing a running site. JB
If you have any questions or need any info you can contact the office. Lynne has all the details on the insurance and can send you a trifold information flyer. Or you can give me a call also. 419-360-3230

IMPBA Office

PO Box 140571

Toledo, OH 43614

[email protected]

(256) 684.2986

Office Hours: M-Sat: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST