Olympia Beer Pictures Posted


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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 25, 2004
I just posted a couple of pictures of my new scale in my photo gallery. Thank you to all the members of International Waters that helped with the project. There are quite a few of you out there that either contributed with ideas / parts / or pictures.

It's a Doug Shepard hull and will be running a Picco EXR. I'm hoping to have it in the water next weekend.

Thanks again to all of you that helped with the boat.

Chris Capaldi

REAL NICE!!! Can't wait to see in the water. :)

Are ya gonna race it Chris?

Very nice...congrats!!

Dan Brandon
I only did one decal....and it was a pain in the a$$ of a decal on the nose...<snicker> Nice job Chris. I like the detail on the tips of the wing.
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Thanks for all the complements. Doug really builds a nice hull.....

I should have it all together and in the water next weekend. Worse case I'll be running it at the GM Tech Center Hydrofest Race....best case the Ford MBC Race in Sumpter.

Nice work Chris as always wish i could see it run but fla is a ways aways good luck Robert ex wolverine
Hi Chris,

The boat looks super nice, It'll run good for you. Call me for your fuel..............Teddy