Dang! Yeah what's with the little prop? Is that some kind of Speed-O-Meter?
I dig the roll-over bar, great for recovering from them log jumps!
All kidding aside, if you don't want to rip it all down you could close the piston in the exhaust port, work in some MEK through the carb, close it, rotate and shake the whole works to soak it around inside, and before you turn the bearings, empty it out the exhaust port, flush it again a few times, and then start working on turning it a little at a time.
Nothing inside that motor will get hurt with MEK, even the plastic bearing cages. It will however eat anything thats around it, maybe even the carb O-ring...dunno, but I would dis-mount it and remove the prop and as much as you can from it.
Some might bawlk at this, but if you're in a hurry you can try it. Just new fuel would work as a flushing agent, but MEK is cheaper and carries no oils so it will flush more aggressive. Kerosene will work also, maybe lamp oil if you have it.
Maybe spread out the flushing cycles over a couple days too, and give the flush time to loosen things up.
Warming the whole motor in the oven first will also give it a better start, but don't go crazy with the temp, just past hand hot will work real well. Nothing over 200, and even well below that is fine.
Just be safe of course and don't be pouring MEK all over the hot stove...LOL! Use some rubber gloves.
Welcome to the club, Frank.