Old Boats Don't Die


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Jul 9, 2011
Yes this is a late 70s early 80s twin Crapshooter owned by Don Bilski from the Indy Model Boat Club . A friend of mine purchased this boat a few years ago and I got it from him not knowing the boats history. Well I decided to strip the boat and repaint it for a fun boat to run. When I got down to the lettering on the boat I went to my old photo album and yes I knew the boat and the owner. So this will be my winter project to restore and run next season. Andy Brown provided me with one of his twin 45 cowlings, the boat came with 2 New in The Box OPS 45s and I had a nice tank made by Ryan L for the boat. I will update the project now and then and will have a video when I can run the boat. I got with Marty Davis who new Don however we don't know what became of him. As you can see from the last pic there were no tables and you needed ear protection, those KB short Stacks were brutal. If you know anything about Dons where abouts let us know. Tim




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Cool project Tim.

We had a couple of Marty Davis Crapshooters. A 21 that Donna raced and a 45 that I set up with a Picco 65.

I was communicating with Don Bilsky, (who was living in Atlanta at the time), regularly for couple of years up to the time he quit r/c boating. It was due to a divorce.

Don Bilsky was a member of the famous Indy Model boat club and wrote many boating articles for Flying Models Magazine.

Set the heads down to .008" on the OPS 45's, Add the pipes of your choice and a set of 1462 props and have fun with that boat!
I have original crapshooter cowl molds if you want to make a Twin cowl . It's a single mold so you would have to make two and graft together and then make a master twin mold .
Looks great!! I still have American Boat Modler mag. with that article in it. I love the old style of boats and still have an Avenger 67, Spider 21 and a Coyote 90 that I am finishing with an OPS 90. I think you may have updated the radio box to taped on lid as screws leak and take a long time to do up, tape is faster and not as leaky. Nice refurbish and paint!!

Thanks Brad, yes the screw/ hatch system is a thing of the past. This box has a thick level of foam and seems fine but I will be using tape. I still have a 67 Viper that ran well. Tim

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