Okay this is odd-help


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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
I guess if we never ran into things we have never run into- this shzt would be easy right ??

So here is an odd one- freshly re-built CMB 90 Gold head- by a very reputable source. Motor fires and idles fine, but once in the water I noticed if wasn't making water after the 2nd lap- I'm normally pretty anal about watching for water from the output.

Bring the boat in and remove the water line from the rudder, clogged- unplug at inlet on W/J and flows fine. Water jacket seems clogged, no biggie- remove and replace water jacket(with new jacket) even tho there is no restriction to be found ????

Blow thru water line from rudder before tossing back in and its perfectly clear- run one lap and it stops making water again.

Bring it in and same deal,clogged in jacket again- motor cools down after five minutes and line is clear again, as tho something is swelling at temp and restricting flow. The odd part is , these are parts I have run on this motor for over 2 years with no issues ????

Suggestions ??

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I guess if we never ran into things we have never run into- this shzt would be easy right ??

So here is an odd one- freshly re-built CMB 90 Gold head- by a very reputable source. Motor fires and idles fine, but once in the water I noticed if wasn't making water after the 2nd lap- I'm normally pretty anal about watching for water from the output.

Bring the boat in and remove the water line from the rudder, clogged- unplug at inlet on W/J and flows fine. Water jacket seems clogged, no biggie- remove and replace water jacket even tho there is no restriction to be found ????

Blow thru water line from rudder before tossing back in and its perfectly clear- run one lap and it stops making water again.

Bring it in and same deal,clogged in jacket again- motor cools down after five minutes and line is clear again, as tho something is swelling at temp and restricting flow. The odd part is , these are parts I have run on this motor for over 2 years with no issues ????

Suggestions ??

Suggestions ??

Sell the F-Boat to me at a good price!!!
You have NO CLUE how close I am to that Rick :eek:

My Scale needs power ???

I have NEVER had an issue with this boat until shootout round of the Winternats and the handle has been gone since-

VERY frustrating :angry:

On a better note the Wifes 40 is hauling azz / priorities B)
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There is no HOPE :p
Dave I'm starting to wonder- after chasing my tail with the fuel issue's that we finally fixed- then this.

Tom, it comes back in after less than 2 laps and you cant blow through the water inlet from the rudder to the head- five minutes later its blows perfectly fine after it cools. Keeping in mind Im not letting it get THAT hot- off the bench and 2 laps max,

Hey Andy,

You didn't mention if you blew from the water nipple down through the rudder to see if the rudder water path was clear. I drove through a fish years ago and got a clear piece of fish in the rudder blade which got driven into the water line and into the WJ. I would have never believed it. Check the rudder water line clear.

Back to work on the 40 boat RB - - you don't need a 90 mono - Har, Har !!! CHEERS !!! Bob
Hey Andy,

You didn't mention if you blew from the water nipple down through the rudder to see if the rudder water path was clear. I drove through a fish years ago and got a clear piece of fish in the rudder blade which got driven into the water line and into the WJ. I would have never believed it. Check the rudder water line clear.

Back to work on the 40 boat RB - - you don't need a 90 mono - Har, Har !!! CHEERS !!! Bob
Clear from the rudder nipple out of the blade- the issue is solidly in the water jacket and ONLY after it gets warm -

Was talking with Gene on another matter and he had a good theory- let ya know as soon as I pull the water Jacket again after dinner.

He cant handle a fast X-Mono btw Bob :p

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Hey Andy,

You didn't mention if you blew from the water nipple down through the rudder to see if the rudder water path was clear. I drove through a fish years ago and got a clear piece of fish in the rudder blade which got driven into the water line and into the WJ. I would have never believed it. Check the rudder water line clear.

Back to work on the 40 boat RB - - you don't need a 90 mono - Har, Har !!! CHEERS !!! Bob
Clear from the rudder nipple out of the blade- the issue is solidly in the water jacket and ONLY after it gets warm -

Was talking with Gene on another matter and he had a good theory- let ya know as soon as I pull the water Jacket again after dinner.

He cant handle a fast X-Mono btw Bob :p

Yeh Right!!!! My 60Mono is as fast, if not faster than most F-Boats.

a BIG Slug like that would be easy to drive compaired to my 60,,,, just pin it and drive....
Admittedly Most 42 inch/60 boats run damn near as fast if not faster Rick-

Yours is no exception ;)
Andy just do what I did and put a .80 in your .40 boat and race it in X mono. :huh:

Just swap the eng between heats. ;)

one boat 2 classes problem solved. B)
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I found it- The water outlet/inlets where too long and bottoming on the new head button after it got warm, The new button must have been slightly larger on the water jacket side - glad we caught it not making water and didnt hurt anything.................

Dave , we got Georganna's 40 running pretty good at the end of the day- wouldn't pull the prop Mark did for me, so it going back for some touch up ;)
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Okay so I really thought I had this covered but it appears that isn't the case.

Anyone ??


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