Richard, Turn the boat looking at the bottom of the hull. From the rear of the boat to where the skid fin mounts to the hull is called the afterplane section off the hull. From the bottom of the hull to top off that section is call the nontrip from transom forward. When air is coming in the frt off the hull it is trapped under the hull.( FROM THE BACK OF THE SPONSONS TO THE TRANSOM AND FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE HULL TO THE TOP OF THE NON-TRIP) If you remove this section of this hull design less air is trapped and less lift. LESS lift means Thighter boat to the water. You can also lessen the amount off air coming into the boat but that is alot more work. This is a very nice fix to help this great running scale boat go faster. I have worked on alot of these hull to help them in this area and it really helps . Along with adding more angle to the sponsons and Grim is on to that Ideal. DougWhat!!!!!!!!!! an Oberto? I thought you were a Bardahl guy must be the nitro fumes that are clouding the brain Mike :lol: Jim Clark
Scale racers,
Im starting this thread in hopes to accrue and share information on this boat. Lets make this the official thread for the boat so we did a search we can more easily find the info we need.
I have a Phil Thomas hull and am getting close to paint. I did find the paint codes here at I waters and some setup info too. good stuff.
Just as an FYI. My hull is 7 years old and never been touched. Its going to be powered by a CMB green head with big belly pipe. I have made light changes to the bottom of the sponsons and am looking forward to racing the boat this summer.
Things I still need to buy or make
Decals (who has a set or can make them)
Dummy Exhaust stacks (who?)
Paint.. I have the primer
Im not expecting this thread to stay on the top page for long so if you are looking for info on this boat you might have to do a search to relocate it.
O yea.. one more question..
On the aft section of the cowl there appears to be two.. say..8” holes the top of it (my pic is starboard side). Does anybody know if there are a mirror set of holes on the other side of the boat?
Thanks in advance
Mike Z
What!!!!!!!!!! an Oberto? I thought you were a Bardahl guy must be the nitro fumes that are clouding the brain Mike :lol: Jim Clark
What!!!!!!!!!! an Oberto? I thought you were a Bardahl guy must be the nitro fumes that are clouding the brain Mike :lol: Jim Clark
Jim.. you might be right .. I have been cooped up for the last few years here now in IL and its begining to take its toll....
BUT.. you can bet your sweet bippy the U-40 is going to be leading the pack at the next Vintage Round nose race in IMPBA Dist 14. Mikey are you taking note.. GET A HAIR CUT!!.. O yea.. Green jacket.. this year man.. this year..
Take care Jim.