off topic but how true......


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bush wants america to be afraid and with bin laden still out america will still fear alquida. you nab the leader of alquida and there goes the fear along with bush. the biggest thing is we got two dumb@$$ candates for president.

i maybe wrong, but i doubt it.


From what I've seen and heard on the news over the past few years I tend to agree with you, we have a similar situation in OZ but why are so many of your presidents always surrounded by so much controversy. Now don't forget I'm neutral on this topic however on a large scale I don't remember Middle East terrorists killing masses on U.S. soil in one hit and having fairly intense wars in the Middle East with first Father Bush and then his Son. I think that the 9/11 attack was devastating and the people involved should pay with dire consequences. Is it just bad timing for Bush or was this all brewing when Clinton was in? Now I'm just asking so don't get all fired up on me! :)
Mark said:
bush wants america to be afraid and with bin laden still out america will still fear alquida. ......... Is it just bad timing for Bush or was this all brewing when Clinton was in? Now I'm justasking so don't get all fired up on me!  :)


It's going to take more to crush Alqida than just getting Bin Laden so the war against terrorism will not end there. Which makes me wonder just what the hell Kerry would do in his "kinder, gentler" war??? Go hand them flowers & say please don't attack us anymore??? Well excuse me but I want to see their a$$es kicked! :angry:

This had been brewing ever since Bin Laden's failed attempt on the WTC the first time with the truck bombs. It's said he began planning another attack within days of the first one. :eek:
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Mark said:
bush wants america to be afraid and with bin laden still out america will still fear alquida. you nab the leader of alquida and there goes the fear along with bush. the biggest thing is we got two dumb@$$ candates for president.
i maybe wrong, but i doubt it.


From what I've seen and heard on the news over the past few years I tend to agree with you, we have a similar situation in OZ but why are so many of your presidents always surrounded by so much controversy. Now don't forget I'm neutral on this topic however on a large scale I don't remember Middle East terrorists killing masses on U.S. soil in one hit and having fairly intense wars in the Middle East with first Father Bush and then his Son. I think that the 9/11 attack was devastating and the people involved should pay  with dire consequences. Is it just bad timing for Bush or was this all brewing when Clinton was in? Now I'm just asking so don't get all fired up on me!  :)


Oct 23, 1983. Marine barricks in Beirut . 220 Marines killed including my friend, Lex Trahan, that convinced me to join the Marines. Before that, the U.S embassy in Beirut.
there are only like 120 alquida leaders in the world. i belive that we have caught/killed quite a few of them. you kill bin laden and a few more alquida members the group will disapate. yes there will always be terrorist but if you take care of the major one we wont have anymore attacks as big as 9/11.

as i said: i may be wrong, but i doubt it
Man,,,, As this is "INTERNATIONAL" waters i think i'll add my 2 cents again (Almost at par to the US pennies now anyhow). "Maybe" instead of stroking and blowing sweet nothings into Israels ears over and over and over like your star-struck over the plight that they braught onto themselves, and may be see that maybe they shouldnt have free reighn either, You guys would be off al-quada's wish list!

Now i know some of you will bash and sing the star spangle banner off tune, and call me "communist", leftist, bring up Vietnam and maybe the Falklands, Cuba .etc.etc but both the guys you have up for nomination are out to lunch. Im the biggest capitolist pig you could ever meet but the US needs a refresher on Diplomacy, Democracy etc.ect if it plans to have anyone "play nice" with it again.

Look! No-one want to play with the US now in the biggest sand-box of all!!!
not2bright said:
there are only like 120 alquida leaders in the world. i belive that we have caught/killed quite a few of them. you kill bin laden and a few more alquida members the group will disapate. yes there will always be terrorist but if you take care of the major one we wont have anymore attacks as big as 9/11.
as i said: i may be wrong, but i doubt it


I don't think you've got it quite right. His network is a little more structured than that. A good example would be what's happend in Iraq since we captured Sadom.
Speedway, just another "international" comment, please don't drag the Falklands into this mess, that was a British action that we won.

Terrorism and the fight against it is not a purely american problem and has been around longer than I have, Islamic terrorism is one of many forms and the one most in focus right now.

Joe is right, terrorist organisations are structured and cutting off the head(s) does not always lead to the death of the animal. Often you are just creating a new martyr that died for the "cause" and creating more problems for the future.

Oh well back to lurking.........
Guys - another international comment

Who ever you get for president is up to you - vote the way your concience dictates.

I don't think this forum is the appropriate place to be airing your personnel political views - this is International Waters.

With respect to terrorism - not a US problem but a global one. Always a sad occassion when people lose their live prematurely. However this is a WAR on terrorism, and people die in wars - often innocent bystanders (collateral casualties)

Don't forget who trained a lot of these terrorists and that they are all getting alot more sophisticated just like everybody around the globe. Terrorism has been here in some form or another for 50 odd years - not a new problem.

Regardless of the outcome of your election don't expect terrorism will go away or everyone around the world will suddenly like the US. There are some fundemental idological differences that will ensure that this doesn't happen.
And this thread grew from what I thought was a funny picture. Four pages & almost 50 replies later here we are. There's nothing wrong with the occasional off topic conversations, even if it is political........... :rolleyes:
GTR said:
I don't think this forum is the appropriate place to be airing your personnel political views - this is International Waters.


Then don't open the thread and surely don't reply with your point of view!
GTR, I read your post and it seemed well stated,,but the longer I thought about it

while watching TV I began thing it was just a bit shallow,,like it was a view from

far away from it all. But when its your country,,the people of your country on TV

60 floors up in a Sky Scraper,,hanging out a smoking window trying to make the Fatal decision wether to burn to death or jump ,,All the while watching this Horrifying decision to the ground one after another,,,will give you an entirely

different perspective. They did'nt "loose their lives prematurely" They had it

Ripped from them by a Brazen, Viscious Act of Murder! On an Enormous Scale.

Four Full Sized Jetliners,,Full of People! I just wanted to offer another look,,and

maybe help you understand,,,If even just a little bit,,why this nation has taken on

this difficult task.
This is a pic of my very good best friend. Here he is at Lake Dokan in northern Iraq durring some "R&R." The lake is toxic and the pool is "growing." Tom has been stationed there for the last year and a half, without leave. His tour there ends next May. He is a special agent in the US Army. He has survived heavy artillery fire and daily ambushes. He is fighting to keep me safe. In 2000 he and I had very different political views. He was both economicaly and socially liberal, while I was brought up about as blue blood as it gets. He enlisted in 2001 and has had a radical change in oppinion, at least economically. Fighting there, seeing what good that this country is doing and the hell we are shutting down makes him have all the confidence in the world (literaly) in our commander in chief. The stead fast nature of President Bush is what this globe needs. Jerry, you spoke the Truth when you quoted Christ : "The World Will Hate You Because Of Me." The truth stings but lies scar.

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I can appreciate what you are saying, and believe me I don't want to start arguments over this stuff at all, I generally avoid any sort of political discussions..... However I felt compelled to mention some facts in this case.

Regarding your comment about "when it happens to your country" You might not realise or be aware of this, but there have recently been 2 major terrorist acts targeted at Australians. Both resulted in civilian casualties and fatalities, both in the last 2 years, and both by extremist organisations. While this is not in the same league as what happened in NY, it still has the same effect on us as it does to you. (there were also Aussies killed in the world trade centre too).

Aussie troops still serve along side the US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq as we speak in "the war against terror" as we have done since the beginning. Therefore, we are just as much a target.

That's all I'm going to say -I've deliberately tried to avoid being political - I don't believe it's my place to comment on another country's politics as I don't live or vote there.

TimD said:
That's all I'm going to say -I've deliberately tried to avoid being political - I don't believe it's my place to comment on another country's politics as I don't live or vote there.



And America does not wish to butt in on your elections. I am embarrassed by the fact that there was one US citizen down there trying to influence your election, a few weeks ago.

She was not acting on behalf of the citizens here. She was acting on behalf of her brother, John Kerry. The Kerrys wanted a candidate like them, someone who will appease the terrorists, to win your election.

Thankfully, Austrailia knew better.

Accept our apologies and pray we too choose a non-appeaser.

I hear you Tim, Your Country And mine have been in many fights over history.

Americans have the Highest Regard for Your Involvement and Your Willingness

to Help and I know if Your Country was ever in Danger There Would Literaly Be

Smoke Trails to Your Aid. But this So Called "Liberal" self serving Cancer that

is growing in this world is the real enemy. Its in , and dominated, in the UN and

We have to Fight Like Tigers in my country to keep it at a stalemate.

I was aware of the night club bombing of Your Countryman in "Bali"?? And You

can Remind me of the other that I don't remember,,as I like to stay informed

cause you have to keep well Armed to Battle the "Cancer" up here.
I was reading this translation of Bin Ladin's video and it just reminded me of how rediculous and suicidal these people are. He actually thinks he can run an entire country into bankruptcy. Absolutely ludicrous. We (the free world) will be fighting this war on terrorism for decades in my opinion. This is based on my belief that these "religious" actions have been instilled into many generations who will not stop until they have been made extinct. It is just sad.
Well it looks like it working! Just imagin your kids and grand-kids having to pay of a 7 TRILLIION dollar dept as opposed to the 413 Billion deficit just 4 years ago! The facts are these in green! Im Shocked as all heck! In 5 years i'll be able to buy rhode-island off you guys!

Sooo You can either say; Yes Bin-Laden has us over a barrel with a surgical glove primed and is on coarse to achieve his goal, OR.... Bush miss-manged and ruined what was considered a good past record financial security and stability.

Preston_Hall said:
I was reading this translation of Bin Ladin's video and it just reminded me of how rediculous and suicidal these people are. He actually thinks he can run an entire country into bankruptcy. Absolutely ludicrous. We (the free world) will be fighting this war on terrorism for decades in my opinion. This is based on my belief that these "religious" actions have been instilled into many generations who will not stop until they have been made extinct. It is just sad.

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Speedway said:
Well it looks like it working!   Just imagin your kids and grand-kids having to pay of a 7 TRILLIION dollar dept as opposed to the 413 Billion deficit just 4 years ago!  The facts are these in green!  Im Shocked as all heck!   In 5 years i'll be able to buy rhode-island off you guys!   
   Sooo You can either say;  Yes Bin-Laden has us over a barrel with a surgical glove primed and is on coarse to achieve his goal, OR.... Bush miss-manged and ruined what was considered a good past record financial security and stability.  
[bush miss-manged and ruined what was considered a good past record financial security and stability]

Again, you have to show us how little you know of economics. The financial record in the early 90's was far worse. The deficits were a higher percentage of GNP than they are now.

An expanding economy will wipe out the deficit (just as it did last time).

A series of years in surplus will wipe out the debt.

Bin Laden (if he is very lucky) will continue to be the new Islamic Michael Moore, producing whacky movies in his cave. Sending them out to a world which thinks of him as more of a Woody Allen than an Islamic warrior.

Bin Laden (if he is not so lucky) will be presented to the world as Saddam was. Humiliated, as an Army doctor checks his ears and throat with a tongue depressor and flashlight. Then inspecting his scalp for lice. The world gets to see the feeble old loon on his last journey, the one where he ends up dancing at the end of a rope.

And Speedy? Still up in Canada and not any sharper.
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