off topic but how true......


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Hey Don,

That sign must be in Texas, George W's. home state.


Mark Sholund
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shoboat said:
Hey Don,
That sign must be in Texas, George W's. home state. It will only get worst

if that Turkey gets re-elected. :lol:   Big oil money is what got him there in the

first place. I  guess we will see on Tuesday how the next four years are going

to be. :eek:

Hope all you Republicans stay home and count all your money on Tuesday,

while us Democrats vote for change. :lol:   :lol:   :lol:


Mark Sholund


I got news for you, it won't matter who gets in, gas prices aren't coming down. Big oil has it's hands in everyone's pocket including Kerry's. Go do some research on campaign contributions for a wake up call. All Kerry's money is coming from big guns, it's a matter of public record............. :blink:

As in today's Washington Post-

Presidential Money Race (8/1/04 - 8/31/04)


Cash on Hand (8/31/04) $36.9 million

Total Contributions $18.5 million

Total Disbursements $14.2 million


Cash on Hand (8/31/04) $62.0 million

Federal Funds $74.6 million

Total Disbursements $10.3 million
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Don is right, Gas prices wil not ever come back down and it don't have anything

to do with Presidental candidates. It has everthing to do with fastest growing

Countries,, namely China and India. Remember when We were the most

industrialised and fastest growing economy,,,now We are starting to look more

like the European Countries of the Not To Distant Past. Remember when most

of the European Countries were ,,and Still are, paying $4.50 a gallon for Gas?

These two Countries have more than 9% increase in their economies a year!

And their Populations are Booming as well as their standard of living. They want

Their Hot Rods and Cruise the Strip Too.
Thank you Don... :lol: ;) I thought this was really weird, I read somewhere, not world weekly news :p , that gas is renewing itself faster than we are taking it out. I know its dumb to beleive everything you read, but its still interesting. Jerry, there was some topic in my science class where she said that people in europe are paying an equivilant of 7$ a pint... That sounds like bogus, and i think my science teach may be wrong.

Phil :lol: :rolleyes: :p
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here's one of the poor European guys: gas it at $6 a gallon and a pint (which is 0,3 liter) is about 4$. Does it hurt? Not so much as we're used to it but gasoline prices are onthe rise here and I think soon it wil be 7$ a gallon. Still love to run gasoline engines as methanol-nitro is way more expensive then gasoline.

Don Ferrette,

It would be a sad day for America and it's people if Bush gets re-elected. The circumstances of how he got there in the first place and after what I now know about the man, it's a disgrace that he ever made it. His campaign management could get a dog in the White House. (no pun intended) How in hell does he still have so much support?

It would be nice to see the U.S. change that rule of 2 terms as President. It's not about sharing the job around. I've never known any corporation to share around the top job.
Mark said:
Don Ferrette,
It would be a sad day for America and it's people if Bush gets re-elected. The circumstances of how he got there in the first place and after what I now know about the  man, it's a disgrace that he ever made it. His campaign management could get a dog in the White House. (no pun intended) How in hell does he still have so much support?

It would be nice to see the U.S. change that rule of 2 terms as President. It's not about sharing the job around. I've never known any corporation to share around the top job.


Ok it's time for you to put away the crack pipe. :p

You answered your own question- "How in hell does he still have so much support?" That's just it, he does. You think terrorism makes people nervous now, just put pussy boy Kerry in the big chair, the guy who says he'd fight a "genter, kinder war" SAY WHAT??? :blink:

Besides, I'd not vote before I'd vote for someone who turned his back on our military after he weasled out of 'Nam on bogus medals. <_<
No No, I don't think Kerry is the guy for the job either. Do you think the 9/11 documentary is all propaganda? BTW I'm on neutral ground with this. I would of thought that if it was false information and lies then the person/s responsible for the documentary would be in serious trouble with the Government. I'm way down here in Oz so we don't get as much info as you guys do. We also have a bloke who said he would bring all our soldiers home if he was elected which I think is the wrong thing to do.
Mark said:
Don Ferrette,
It would be a sad day for America and it's people if Bush gets re-elected. The circumstances of how he got there in the first place and after what I now know about the  man, it's a disgrace that he ever made it. His campaign management could get a dog in the White House. (no pun intended) How in hell does he still have so much support?

It would be nice to see the U.S. change that rule of 2 terms as President. It's not about sharing the job around. I've never known any corporation to share around the top job.


You're right Mark about not sharing the job around. I think we should give it to Bush for the next 30 years!

Don B)
Your right though, politicians do say some stupid things sometimes. (my mother used to be one so I know first hand) You can't have a "gentle war", just like rules of war, there aren't any.
Mark said:
Do you think the 9/11 documentary is all propaganda?

9/11 film a documentary?? That's the funniest thing I've heard in a while. PLEASE don't tell me you guys actually believed that crap???? The producer of 9/11 Michael Moore has already publically stated he'd do anything to keep Bush from getting re-elected including his smear campaign movie. If anything in that flick was even half true the Dem's would be using it like ammo at a fire-fight. Why do you think it dropped off the U.S. headlines so fast?? :rolleyes:
If you had a choice of Clinton or Bush before the war, what would be your choice?
I'm pretty sceptical on movies of any sort but I'm interested as to why nothing happened to the producers legally wise. Or did it?
Mark, I believe the rebutal to "Farenhieht 911" is a short movie on the internet

called "Faren Hype 911",,will tell you all you want to know,, or might not want

to know depending on how much backbone you have. It even has some of the same people in it that mike moore USED in making his movie.
Don F. I love you man :lol:

Moore accomplished shoving BS down the throats of the gullable liberals.

Heres the most hilarious pic of Kerry :p Nice try, Buddy

Phil B) ;) :)
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