O yea


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westoz said:
Very niceGrimracer where can i get one of those and how much.

Sorry i missed this post.

The boat is the standard Dumas Pay-pak kit. (about 50 to 65 bucks)

We sell a cowl for the boat (like the ones you see on this site) for $40.00.

We do Pro-Build (A Grimracer term for "getting paid for building") boats but will not be taking on any extra boat projects (kits we do not manufacture) until next winter, if at all.

The cost to Pro-Build varies depending on what you need or want done.. Its not cheap but Grimracer.com does not do cheap. Anything.. we are talking cost, quality and service here...

Rock on..

Grim is right about the quality of the Pro Built boats he does, very nice. He says expensive, but I don't think so. No, I won't say what it cost. You have to talk to Grim, but, it is well worth it. It was on the water yesterday, very predictable in handling. But I'll try to get it fast enough that it won't be.

Thanks Grim :D :D :D :D

Yea good point...up unill a few weeks ago its was all Ice up here..

If i could have just set my boats in green grass and started making glow motor sounds i would have been happy... :D

BuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzBuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :lol:

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