O.S. outboard help


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Jun 15, 2005
I just p[ut together a top speed 2 tunnel with a o.s. out board I also have a pipe. My question is there is a fitting on top of the cavition plate and also a fitting on side of the power head ,I know that the fitting on the pipe goes to the vent on the tank but where does the other two fittings go are they just for lubercating shaft or do they go somwhere else. thanks
Well in stock form there is a fitting on the center of the cav plate that ties into the bottom of the exhaust. Any oil resisdue gets blown into it to oil the stub shaft. There is also a fitting on the upper right part of the leg. This too has oil from the stock exhaust on the lower right side. Now I don't know what fitting you are talking about that is on the side of the power head. There are 2 for the water jacket, 1 for the carb, and 1 at the end of the cav plate for water. Thats all. Maybe you can elaborate.

stock os muffler has 3 pressure/oiler fitting, 1 to pressure the tank, 1 to oil the shaft next to the powerhead and 1 goin to oil the prop shaft. ..now with tuned pipe installed it's only 1 pressure fitting available unless u put 2 fitting in tuned pipe..u'l need an oiler to lubricate the flexshaft and disregard the fitting in the cavitation plate.
I turn the the oil fitting on the cav plate 90 degrees and grease it between runs for the stub shaft. Its worked on 1 shaft for 3 years. Greg