Hey Norm,
That was the Old Dominion Model Boat Association site that was just lost a couple years ago in Chesapeake, VA. ODMBA was a very small club back then, but was able to put on what was a good, but COLD Internats. Chuck Mooney's RV behind the judges stand was the only thing that saved use from the elements, and kept us in hot coffee. OK, maybe the Rebel Yell bourbon that occasionally made it's way to the stand helped too. The Southern Gentlemen were sly and devious, and under no circumstance should be trusted back then - - but much appreciated by Paul and myself. Thanks again Guys !!!! Indian River High School (I believe) was behind the site, houses beyond and to the left of the HS. State Police Headquarters was to the right. We enjoyed that site for MANY years and had the support of Fire Fighters, local Police, and the Scouts at that race , and I believe it was a positive experience for all that attended. I was transferred from NORVA in 1980 and the club at that site were still going strong.
The bank was fairly well elevated above water level for those that are now weak of heart, but the pond was actually a little small for SAW event, but we made due. A lot more fun those many years ago. The boaters actually appreciated things rather than bad mouthing as so prevalent today.
CHEERS !!! Bob