Next Fun run, and thoughts?


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outboardman, there isn't a GR place to run unfortunately :( at least not any that I know of. There are guys form the Wave Runners that are trying to get a new pond, but until then, it is a "run where ever you can get permission" thing. Luckily for me, SColby & I can run our boats at his in-laws place in Greenville, or a little further north, at his parent’s cottage in Lakeview. I wish I knew of a place closer to run besides the river (no rescue boat, so I won't run there :angry: ), but I don't. If I did, I would run my boats alot more. :p
Dale I got yellow, J&G hardware, been water tested already, Runs real nice, First time in the water with stock engine, no adjustments i got 54 out of it. that was building it, setting engine, and stufffing tube, and strut done, and basically walking out and throwing it in the water. first run was 48, changed props and 54.

I was able to run full throttle in a oval. Was inpressed, Course hit a wave and it dunked hard. :angry: Figured first time is the best time to get wet to test.

am running open servos on it.

54 mph with a stock motor :p i'd have to see that if it runs that fast with a stock motor im looking at about 70+ mph with a mod, juice only ran 57mph with his quickdraw,i can't beleive the insane hall is that much better, but i hope it is. what prop did you run,i'll be needing gas props in the summer.Jucies QD ran like sh@#% at the end of the season so maybe something is wrong with it,im sure thats why his mph is so low, ran really bad last time out for the year.Owell ponds are freezing so no new pond records till spring,but i'll be sure to post speed runs soon as they some pics of your new boat.
Yep did 54 the first time out with a stocker motor.

I am going with a mod motor, But i used the stocker out of my mono to test it.

Was first and only day i ran it.

I was happy with speeds first time out. really didnt even adjust strut.

as far as props, Just some from my mono i used.

have a couple am working on.

and you and me both are looking at 70 for the cat.

Figure a friend has a mod 260 and is getting 61 with it. I didnt think 54 was bad at all, thats with a stryker hull tho, and mod 260, same hull as Juices.

PS, Watch the bottom of the hull, ITS THIN.

for doing to stuffing tube carefull drilling, its THIN.

and as far as speeds, I dont ******** about them.

let me be right on the speed then, 53.8 on garmen GPS.

Plus the insane cat is lighter than the stryker, mines about 6 lbs lighter that a friends, and Juices has that big ass QD in it.

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Well 6 lbs lighter that could make a big difference.How thin is thin on the bottom of the hall.I do have a question, clear it up for me how do people use a gps on a boat to get the speed , do you have to mount something to the boat to get a reading?Im not douting your speed just that Juises boat ran a 57 with a quickdraw you no what im saying.Well we will be king of the pond together then, 70mph would be sweet.How far are you from toledo anyway a nother gas boat on the weekend would be nice, maybe hit a couple races with Juice and I.
Just turn the gps on, and set to max speed, and stick it somewhere in the boat.

Run it, drive it, flip it, Come back in, and gps is there and it will say the max speed you did.

The engine was the same one in my mono that did 52,

and I am in chicago here.

Only get to toledo when the wind blows really hard. :D

I think juice needs to do major prop work, Plus his boat is wayyyy heavier than ours/mine. And I dont care for QDs myself.

that that one guy with the apache there in toledo fun run, I didnt think his was impressive. **** figure "PER SPECS" His motor had 1.5 more HP than mine and i ran with him.

So its not all in the motor it self, can have huge gains with prop work.

OOOOO AND HOW THIN????????????????????????????????


Or on Jims boat dock, Butch feilds AKA Butchtheboatman.....

Mail him, he sells a stuffing tube block, Makes like SO EASY.

14 degree block for the insane. works great and real clean. Still have to watch it. its THIN. [email protected] Is he addy.
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wade where in lakeview? I have a friend with a cottage up there... btw go s down ebeltline, trun w on 60th. go to the second stop sign and look kitty corner on the right... looks like it might be a good place to run.. haven't checked it out too well yet, but i'll go and investigate a little further tomorrow on my way to christy's... also still haven't gotten responce back about the new park, but maybe if i can get a little help we might be able to use one of teh ponds there. I think they are just trying to wave me off at this point... might have to ask my uncle if he can give me some advice... used to do parks and recreations in ft wayne, maybe he'll know some tips we can use to get a home pond :) also depending on the ammount of ppl we can get togeather at my moms place if we want a practice before teh real run ;)
Mike, I'm not really sure where in Lakeview. I have only been there once. Steve (SColby) will have to let you know. I heard a rumor that one of the guys in charge of the new park is into running boats, & pond #4 is susposed to be a boat pond. it is just that though, a rumor.
Sound ordence in the new pack are every touchy and I here there is a guy close enouth that if you run a boat there he calls the law. Im not sue how the sound ordence is there but not every high of db . Goes some thing like XXXdb from property edge and the dbs are low .
Townline lake in Lakeview. It is east of downtown Lakeview. Early in the spring and late in the fall it is nice but other wise it is public access and it can get really busy and rough.