New Project - 39" Hydromite


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Active Member
Sep 29, 2003
New Project - 39" Hydromite

I had downloaded the free plans for the hydromite and built the 16 1/2 inch version. with a little converting and cleaning up with mspaint, I have put all of the major parts on one sheet and had it printed at Kinkos (it still had to be reduced for their 3'x4' printer). It's going to be 39.25 inches long and 19.5 inches wide. I'll post pics as I build if anyone is interested. (BTW, this will be my first gas boat).

Re:New Project - 39" Hydromite


I have been toying with the idea of scaling one up & putting a .12 buggy engine in it. You defiantly need to share the building pics with us. Do you know what engine you want to put in it?
Re:New Project - 39" Hydromite


Thanks for the encouragement, Since I am new to all of this boat building stuff (and basically a cheap So-n-So) I will probably go with a weed-eater engine. I am currently

researching all of the hardware need for these things.

I am making templates of all of the Super-Hydromite before I begin construction in hopes that if people like it I'll make a few on request for sale. I'll post pics as I go.

BTW, what would be the best construction material for this project, I am definetly not going Balsa, and I am not familiar with other construction alternatives. Any help would be appreciated.
Re:New Project - 39" Hydromite

George & Wade

Re Scaling up the Hydromite

Keep in mind that the original boat that I designed and built was about 20" long (stock 6 cell motor class). I scaled the design down to micro size and it was very successful. Here are some photos of a couple built by LOU from my club. Also at the bottom of his page is some video of one of his Hydromites on 8 cells and an Aveox brushless motor.

Lou's brother has a scaled up HydroMighty (29")

So absolutely "go for it". Just keep in mind that the structure was designed for a 16"-20" hull and when scaling a structure up in size, sometimes even after increasing the thickness of materials you need to add stringers to support plywood sheeting over much larger unsupported bays.

As far as materials goes, at the size you're talking about and using a gas engine, I agree with Wade on the 1/8" and 1/16" plywood.

I'm glad that so many are getting enjoyment from the design. Forresterace Designs is bringing out a line of laser-cut wood hydro kits for electric power over the next year.

Re:New Project - 39" Hydromite


Thanks for the encouragement. I downloaded the plans over a year ago with the idea of making a small hydro for my boys to play with. I haven’t got to the point of building them yet (they are still kind of young). As time has gone on, I still want to build a pair for my boys, but I have thought more & more about making one scaled up slightly to accommodate a .12 buggy engine.

Laser cut kits!! That is defiantly the way to go. You will have to keep us informed about them.
Re:New Project - 39" Hydromite


I thank you also. You have a great looking boat, and I am looking forward to doing the up-scale. I also agree, in that I will be making additonal formers as I go.

BTW, I have gotten crazy and cut the hydromite parts sheet into 2 seperate files. Kinkos has the ability to print files 3' X 6' and the files come out to 2.5' X 5.5'. That gives a main former of 63" in length.

Uh....Do ya think I'm going overboard.....LOL.

Re:New Project - 39" Hydromite


I'll be watching with interest, as I am planning to build the hydromite at original scale in the near future. It will be my first boat build so I'll be sticking to the basics. But it will be fun to see yours go together. Good luck! And keep us posted.

Re:New Project - 39" Hydromite


Great choice. It was my first boat as well (sorta haven't finished it yet). The plans are great, and very well layed out. You shouldn't have any problems with it.

Here are some pics of my first boat.

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Re:New Project - 39" Hydromite

This boat only took me about 3 days to get to this stage. I took my time and cut everything out with a hobby knife. I have a motor and electronics that I scavanged from and old RC Ford Explorer that I plan to put in it. It won't be fast, but I think it's a good start for my first.

Let me warn you though....These things are VERY addictive. I have already started 4 other boats.

If you start enough projects, You'll always have an excuse on why nothing is completed.....LOL

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Re:New Project - 39" Hydromite

Judging by your building skills, you won't have any problems building a scaled up version!
Re:New Project - 39" Hydromite

If you start enough projects, You'll always have an excuse on why nothing is completed.....
Re:New Project - 39" Hydromite


Very nice.

Be sure to post more pics if you ever find time to work on the original Hydromite. I'll post pics (and will undoubtedly have questions) once I begin work on mine. Now...if I could just finish up that home renovation that I started!
