Have you learned nothing from this experience? You said in an earlier post that the seller told you to do nothing and run the engine, so you did. Why would you make the same mistake this time around? With your many years experience... Don't you think you should check it yourself before running the engine? Nothing wrong with a second opinion.
You know as well as I do that a new car dealer pre delivery inspection/safety check is nothing more than an expensive car wash.
"Since when have you been able to take a engine out of the box & run it?? The picco inspections are required just like any other engine mfger. If you Cannot read a caliper or know where & how much clearence is needed. You may want to pay a engine guy to do the work for you..... The 303 stainless flywheel cone is a part improvement... MY CMB RS101 Runs very well But it too required pre-inspection tear down & several Mods to run..UPFRONT..... The people in the winners circle @ the end of the weekend would tell you the same... Most engines have a mfgers parts defect warranty.... It`s up to the buyer to find the defects before you put the engine in use. MAC, CMB, Picco, Novarossi, are all the same when it comes to my replacement warranty issues......"
Amen to Joe. I agree 100%.
ps. Hallam treated you right the first time around even after you dis'd the product and distributor here on Intl waters. I'm not sure I would expect it a second time.
Ron J