Also wanted to modify the look and streamline the aerodynamics of the hull by switching out and fitting a cowling from an ebay special mono that hasn't worked out so far. Here you can see the original cowl and the new one.
The damage on the boat was a bit more than I expected so it too a few rounds of filling the the polyester filler to fill in all the nicks and scratches. around the edges to get them good and sharp. It took to rounds of priming (2 coats each) to get those out. In case you are worried about the extra weight of the primer, in the first coat I come pretty close to sanding all the flat so most of it is sanded of leaving on the primer that fills in the low spots. Then I prime again so I can sand (not all the way off) but to a smooth even surface. The idea in surface prep is to get it as perfect as possible. Extra work and patience at this face makes the color and clearing phases go much smoother and faster.
At this point I am about a day and half into the project.