The tooth past wont hardly leave any scuff, on the other and if you have ever seen a honed cylinder on any engine new or rebuilt the 1500-1600 grit paper is the key to the cross haches.
I like to roll the paper out of a strip and insert in to the sleeve and twist back and forth in and out. I like to do this ones a year to keep a seal after running hard all summer. Take a look in the fall after all the needle adjustments, the sleeve will have lines up and down. That is what I would be touching up.
Keep in mind nothing is perfectly round the piston will wear in to the markings from the paper thus making break in a faster prosses.
The 1500 is good to lap the piston to the sleeve. Find a pipe to fit your piston and cut long ways into two peices, slide the paper in the pipe and clamp the piston beteen the two halfs by hand and wist in and out the top half of the piston. to get a good fit to the sleeve. This way will keep the top of the piston sharp.