Hi Guys
Very interesting points of view being expressed here. OK Michael Salven - one of the chief designers and factory car driver for Serpent out of the Netherlands. Has had a hand in engine design for a long time - the Mega line of engines (Serpent own the branding) were originally manufactured by Picco (P5 & EXR variants) for whatever reason Serpent moved the manufacturing to Nova Rossi (probably had a lot to do with Collari moving to Serpent and he has (had) close ties with the NR factory. Serpent Mega branded engines have always been cheaper than manufacturers own branded engines - so I'm pretty sure there is profiteering going on here.
The real problem with marine engines from a simplistic perspective is not tha ability to amortise the development/production costs it is simply that we are prepared to pay more for our performance engines than other facets of the RC hobby. As pointed out the difference in cost between asport engine and a full race one is marginal at best - however where the factory can make the consumer pay for the cost of development, and support factory teams - they will. It's funny to see different people say that this brand or that doesn't make marine engines - did you ever think it could be as simple as the importers no longer supporting marine engines because of the need to sustain spares support.
There is one other point that everybody overlooks - boat classes used to be marine equivalents of air or land classes so production of marine versions was not a big stretch. Now all marine engines are of funny sizes compared to other aspects of RC (other than 21s). I give as examples 45s, 65s, 67s, 80s, 84s. In other aspects of the hobby, especially the big end, planes there are standard competition sizes 15, 21, 40, 60. Could it be we are making it harder for the manufacturers to match the bigger is better, faster approach.
All I have to say if anyone can produce and market competitive quality engines for a lower price - MORE POWER TOO THEM.