New ABC props?


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It depends on your set up a lot?

21-Mono = 1614/3 chopper still very good

21-Tunnel = 1515-19-38%

45-Hydro = 2117-19-38%,2215-17-45%, 2217-19-38%, with a ski = 2317-19-38%

45-Tunnel = still working on one, the 1817-19-38% is being tested now, just waiting for results?

45-Mono = 2015-17-45%

67-Hydro = 2415-17-45%, 2517-19-38%

1/8th scale = 2315-17-45%, 2317-19-38%,2316/3-15-60%,

Still working on 2216/3-15-60%

Some in stock currently and others are on order from Jim @ ABC

I can tell you most of these are not just sharpen and balance no matter what you read or hear on Facebook.

Many other options coming up soon. Some just need more work than others.

Thanks For Reading,

Mark Sholund
Your choices of 45,60 rigger are good right out of the bag.2317/2517 Just b/s...
2517s work perfect out of the bag on the Novarossi 67. in a good boat. if you running a EXR Picco it will easily launch a 2519 with plenty of top speed. Ralph won the 67 class nitro nationals 2017 with a 2519. the 2517 was not enuff.
Picco with that Joe Warren Horse Power
What pipe are you guy's running(Rossi),length. Our CMB likes the big belly at 11 to the weld.
picco skinny pipe at 11 1/4
Oohhh....gonna have to try that one on my 67,thanks Brother. Got dad out on week release Furlow from prison. He is not suppose to cross State lines but we have ways to around that. He is smarter than the average Bear
See you guy's soon.

It depends on your set up a lot?

21-Mono = 1614/3 chopper still very good

21-Tunnel = 1515-19-38%

45-Hydro = 2117-19-38%,2215-17-45%, 2217-19-38%, with a ski = 2317-19-38%

45-Tunnel = still working on one, the 1817-19-38% is being tested now, just waiting for results?

45-Mono = 2015-17-45%

67-Hydro = 2415-17-45%, 2517-19-38%

1/8th scale = 2315-17-45%, 2317-19-38%,2316/3-15-60%,

Still working on 2216/3-15-60%

Some in stock currently and others are on order from Jim @ ABC

I can tell you most of these are not just sharpen and balance no matter what you read or hear on Facebook.

Many other options coming up soon. Some just need more work than others.

Thanks For Reading,

Mark Sholund
Your choices of 45,60 rigger are good right out of the bag.2317/2517 Just b/s...
2517s work perfect out of the bag on the Novarossi 67. in a good boat. if you running a EXR Picco it will easily launch a 2519 with plenty of top speed. Ralph won the 67 class nitro nationals 2017 with a 2519. the 2517 was not enuff.
Picco with that Joe Warren Horse Power
What pipe are you guy's running(Rossi),length. Our CMB likes the big belly at 11 to the weld.
picco skinny pipe at 11 1/4
When I designed and built the CMB big belly pipe, we tried it back to back with the Picco "skinny pipe" on the Picco 67. Ran both pipes in that 11 to 11 1/4" range. The Picco pipe was a little better (80 mph vs 79 mph) so the Big Belly pipe was set aside. Later we tested the Big Belly pipe on the CMB 67 Evo. (black and gold). The Big belly pipe woke that engine up! Went to 83 and beyond.

These were reliable heat race set ups, not max speed. I had already run 90 mph with the Picco67 and "skinny" pipe the year before (1993), but that was a maximum oval trim set up.

It depends on your set up a lot?

21-Mono = 1614/3 chopper still very good

21-Tunnel = 1515-19-38%

45-Hydro = 2117-19-38%,2215-17-45%, 2217-19-38%, with a ski = 2317-19-38%

45-Tunnel = still working on one, the 1817-19-38% is being tested now, just waiting for results?

45-Mono = 2015-17-45%

67-Hydro = 2415-17-45%, 2517-19-38%

1/8th scale = 2315-17-45%, 2317-19-38%,2316/3-15-60%,

Still working on 2216/3-15-60%

Some in stock currently and others are on order from Jim @ ABC

I can tell you most of these are not just sharpen and balance no matter what you read or hear on Facebook.

Many other options coming up soon. Some just need more work than others.

Thanks For Reading,

Mark Sholund
Your choices of 45,60 rigger are good right out of the bag.2317/2517 Just b/s...
2517s work perfect out of the bag on the Novarossi 67. in a good boat. if you running a EXR Picco it will easily launch a 2519 with plenty of top speed. Ralph won the 67 class nitro nationals 2017 with a 2519. the 2517 was not enuff.
Picco with that Joe Warren Horse Power
What pipe are you guy's running(Rossi),length. Our CMB likes the big belly at 11 to the weld.
picco skinny pipe at 11 1/4
When I designed and built the CMB big belly pipe, we tried it back to back with the Picco "skinny pipe" on the Picco 67. Ran both pipes in that 11 to 11 1/4" range. The Picco pipe was a little better (80 mph vs 79 mph) so the Big Belly pipe was set aside. Later we tested the Big Belly pipe on the CMB 67 Evo. (black and gold). The Big belly pipe woke that engine up! Went to 83 and beyond.

These were reliable heat race set ups, not max speed. I had already run 90 mph with the Picco67 and "skinny" pipe the year before (1993), but that was a maximum oval trim set up.
That Skinny pipe works if the engine it is on has plenty of case volume. I have seen the BIg belly pipe work best on engines with less case volume that rely on pipe return fuel

It depends on your set up a lot?

21-Mono = 1614/3 chopper still very good

21-Tunnel = 1515-19-38%

45-Hydro = 2117-19-38%,2215-17-45%, 2217-19-38%, with a ski = 2317-19-38%

45-Tunnel = still working on one, the 1817-19-38% is being tested now, just waiting for results?

45-Mono = 2015-17-45%

67-Hydro = 2415-17-45%, 2517-19-38%

1/8th scale = 2315-17-45%, 2317-19-38%,2316/3-15-60%,

Still working on 2216/3-15-60%

Some in stock currently and others are on order from Jim @ ABC

I can tell you most of these are not just sharpen and balance no matter what you read or hear on Facebook.

Many other options coming up soon. Some just need more work than others.

Thanks For Reading,

Mark Sholund
Your choices of 45,60 rigger are good right out of the bag.2317/2517 Just b/s...
2517s work perfect out of the bag on the Novarossi 67. in a good boat. if you running a EXR Picco it will easily launch a 2519 with plenty of top speed. Ralph won the 67 class nitro nationals 2017 with a 2519. the 2517 was not enuff.
Picco with that Joe Warren Horse Power
What pipe are you guy's running(Rossi),length. Our CMB likes the big belly at 11 to the weld.
picco skinny pipe at 11 1/4
When I designed and built the CMB big belly pipe, we tried it back to back with the Picco "skinny pipe" on the Picco 67. Ran both pipes in that 11 to 11 1/4" range. The Picco pipe was a little better (80 mph vs 79 mph) so the Big Belly pipe was set aside. Later we tested the Big Belly pipe on the CMB 67 Evo. (black and gold). The Big belly pipe woke that engine up! Went to 83 and beyond.

These were reliable heat race set ups, not max speed. I had already run 90 mph with the Picco67 and "skinny" pipe the year before (1993), but that was a maximum oval trim set up.
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I don't see some of these ABC prop numbers listed in the prop chart listed on the ABC Props website. Is there a newer list available somewhere? I would like to try some newer props on my 20 Eagle SG with a MAC 21.

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I don't see some of these ABC prop numbers listed in the prop chart listed on the ABC Props website. Is there a newer list available somewhere? I would like to try some newer props on my 20 Eagle SG with a MAC 21.

Mark Sholund should be able to help you out. He goes by Shoboat on here
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I would try: 1715-19-38%, 1716-19-38%, 1815-19-38% reduced a little bit

on your Eagle SG-21 with the MAC-21 it should be a ROCKET. Also have

you tried ABC: H-4, H-5, H-6, & H-7 with reduced diameter. Octura 1445’s

with 3.10”, 3.21”, 3.33”, or 3.46” of cup all work GREAT. Andy’s newest

21-Hydro is Very Good with all of these options.

Have Fun Testing David,

Mark Sholund

I would try: 1715-19-38%, 1716-19-38%, 1815-19-38% reduced a little bit

on your Eagle SG-21 with the MAC-21 it should be a ROCKET. Also have

you tried ABC: H-4, H-5, H-6, & H-7 with reduced diameter. Octura 1445’s

with 3.10”, 3.21”, 3.33”, or 3.46” of cup all work GREAT. Andy’s newest

21-Hydro is Very Good with all of these options.

Have Fun Testing David,

Mark Sholund
I'll have to try the 1715, 1716, 1815 props. I have most of the other H series and 1445 props. Thanks for the suggestions!

I just received another order of ABC Propellers from Jim

at ABC yesterday, if you need anything let me know?


Mark Sholund

Oliver Douglas tested the new 1614/3-15-65% w/Cleaver-style blade shape

this past weekend and ran 58+ mph up in Canada on a 21-Seaducer.

Note: They did have to reduce the cup just a little bit on the trailing edge.

I believe the video is on Facebook now. Thanks for the update Oliver.

Thanks For Reading,

Mark Sholund

Oliver Douglas tested the new 1614/3-15-65% w/Cleaver-style blade shape

this past weekend and ran 58+ mph up in Canada on a 21-Seaducer.

Note: They did have to reduce the cup just a little bit on the trailing edge.

I believe the video is on Facebook now. Thanks for the update Oliver.

Thanks For Reading,

Mark Sholund
Mark, What speed was the boat before the prop change?

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