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mark couty

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2010
Anyone know how to get in touch with Larry Kraemer. I don't know if he is sick or out of town etc. I have well over $100 in scale hydro parts on order with him since Dec. 7 and have not got anything or replies to my last couple of messages. I know there was a major hold up on my driver uniforms I ordered and the seamstress he uses was busy with holiday dress orders I was told. I know he got my payment because he told me so. I have sent messages with out getting any reply. I would just like to hear where things are. Starting to get a bad feeling about this. Can anyone have him get in touch with me. Thanks.
Don't get concerned.Larry works strange hours and he's on the west coast which further confuses the time.Though I've talked to him on the phone a number of times,it's hard to find the right time.He will answer his e-mails.He is absolutly reliable and honest,and you'll like what you get in the mail.

Harvey Liberman
I've known Larry for around 20 years and he's always been a reliable businessman. Last fall I ordered a steering wheel for one of my boats and figured he would mail it to me. I got a major surprise when he HAND DELIVERED not one but two at the Northwest Scale Championships in October. Trust me, Larry may be hard to talk to due to a weird work schedule but if you have an order in, you will get it as fast as he can get it to you. Have patience and all will be good :)
Still, having a guy wait that long and not reply isn't cool either. Most people nowadays have smart phones and the internet practally everywhere there really shouldn't be any reason why a decent businessman wouldnt take care of his customers. It's not difficult to check emails.


A RC Boat modeler that was burnt before.
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Mark! Please! Calm down - The only reason I haven't responded to your last couple of contacts is because I don't have a different answer for you than the last time. The matching pair of uniforms you ordered have not been recieved yet & "when I get them I will let you know and your order will be shipped". Kim has a lot on her plate too & I'm not going to start pestering her & pissin' her off - at least not w/o a back-up plan. I have talked to 2 other gals about doing uniforms - one said she'd like to see one & might try it. I really doubt I'll find anyone that will do a better job though. I have shipped orders w/o the uniforms & then mailed 'em later but really don't like doing that. My "guys" look stupid naked. Of course, I now have 3 other outfits ordered & I doubt I'll see any of them 'til they're ALL done. I usually have all my stuff stocked up & ready to ship - I even keep some generic uniforms on hand (also made by Kim Smith) just in case a guy needs something simple. But when Kim has to track down special materials & then make 2 identical outfits, well, I'm going to cut her a little slack. I'm not very happy about the waiting either but for now it is what it is. Thanks guys for your support!

Larry, I thought you had fallen off the end of the earth ! I was getting concerned because I hadn't heard from you. I too do not wish to make anyone mad. I thank you for taking time to get back to me and also to the guys that gave thumbs up. If it doesn't look like the uniforms will be done anytime soon, i would gladly accept generic uniforms for the drivers so I can get my show on the rode. Thanks, Mark.
Exactally how much detail are you guys putting into your drivers? I remember the days when we only used Williams bros busts. :lol:
In the case of a scale driver, the closer the driver is to the actual boat's driver, the more points you score in concourse judging. Since one point can separate a winner from an also competed, getting a driver's suit right can be VERY IMPORTANT
Exactally how much detail are you guys putting into your drivers? I remember the days when we only used Williams bros busts. :lol:
Wes,those days are gone forever.Larry made a driver's shirt for me that was not an offical uniform shirt,but a brown work shirt that happened to be in a photo I used.The color and detail were a match,and of course the life jacket was fabric with buckles.You won't get that on a Williams Brothers bust,however some of the Williams Bros.busts come with a great pair of goggles,then throw the bust away,or give it to an airplane guy.
