need info on gas scale or sport class...


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This post is sure to get me flamed by the "mod"RTR crowd. My question is simple... What is the big facination with taking these rtr boats and trying to make them into something they were never meant to be? I have seen scads of MV's where the owner spent boat loads of money and time on them trying to get them to perform like a sport 20 boat. I have seen a few that worked really well, done by boaters with years of experience that could strap a motor an a piece of drift wood and win races. The rest ...well they have a boat that can't run in the class that was formed for the boat to compete in, isn't competetive in the class they try to run in, and with the time and money spent could have had a competetive boats for both classes. Our local club in the Twin Cities runs an open gas class. If it has a gas motor, you can run it. so far all the boats that have run... one fun run race, one point race, have been sport type hydros. Two of the racers run the Pro boats, one with an after market hot rod motor, there is a scratch built shovel, an Insane and a Stryker. If they all start and they all stay running for six laps, the pro boats don't fair to well. If someone were to show up with something like a Whiplash, and could drive....
getting you flamed??? Man some of us dont have money to burn like other do.....This hull was a work trade for a paint job.......doesnt cost much out our pocket to paint that boat....I would be very interesting to maybe see a proboat that could be very competive.......For what I saw at Celina races..The fast boats dont win most of the times because drivers get to competive, eragant and ego's get these drivers to reck there boats or smash into other racers boats or better yet they blow/flip over there boat at to fast of speeds...For a first time at racing I rather try it in a cheaper cost hull then spending 400+ on a hull to have a chance to have it recked or destoryed by what I said above what drivers do......Oh if you dont like this thread then dont clic on it.....There is nothing wrong to get some info...we're here to help eachother out not to rip people apart..that takes the fun out of boating and racing,and wonder why guys are getting out of this hobby??????Do to bad attudes......
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Contact Don Ferette too he is the IMPBA GAS Director.

Ok joe talked to John Exui today..he gave Joe alittle info,But we need to talk to Saymikey and Ron Sacker Jr the hydro guy...Mikey if you see this thread.. I'd Emailed you...Joe needs to speak with you please..he wants to make this 1/8 proboat race legal.....
another question?? where does the rudder mount at? the left or right side of the trasom??.. sombody is telling him the mount it on the right side...
Most scales and SP40 mount on the left to add some down force to the right sponson. Most rigger's run the rudder on the right. The exact placement may need to be tweaked during your development. It's nott too hard to move the rudder after the hull is completed.
Well we have one person told Joe to move it to the right side,and other told me put it to the left side...The one person said right because

of the hard prop wash on the left side will put more strain on the rudder...We're getting confused...
Rudder placement on sport and scale hydos seems to be a designer or builder choice deal. Some are on the port or left side others on the starboard or right side. Proboat puts them on the port side on their gas boat from the factory. I have a Bob Tuttle sport 20,and the rudder is on the right side. Phil Thomas's sport 20 and 40 boats, and Brian Blazer's sport 20 and 40 boats are set up with the rudder on the left.
Misshydro, Please stick with your little Pro Boat toys. It's obvious you don't have a clue about real racing hydros since you seem to like the "he said she said" games. Since my answer OBVIOUSLY didn't satisfy you, don't ask me for help again as I won't give you any. I'd rather give advice to those that will:

1) Listen with an open mind

2) Ask questions without playing games

Tom and Mark, if you feel this needs deleting, feel free. If you have any questions as to why I made this post, send me a PM and I'll explane why
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Misshydro, Please stick with your little Pro Boat toys. It's obvious you don't have a clue about real racing hydros since you seem to like the "he said she said" games. Since my answer OBVIOUSLY didn't satisfy you, don't ask me for help again as I won't give you any. I'd rather give advice to those that will:

1) Listen with an open mind

2) Ask questions without playing games

Tom and Mark, if you feel this needs deleting, feel free. If you have any questions as to why I made this post, send me a PM and I'll explane why
OK HJ you said to mount it on the left side ..but others are saying mount to rudder on the right side on gas since I been finding out...Since you feel that way I wont ask you any questions since you dont have any running boats in what??? Since I joined RCU&waters in 06 we havent seen any boats you have running yet......Calling my lttle proboats as toys,fine what ever! At least I can run my boats and I can run mine in the ponds! weres yours???? If you dont like my thread then dont clic on it..You get upset because I'm dubble checking your answer......I rather be safe then sorry....
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