need info on gas scale or sport class...


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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
Ok my boyfriend wants to know what legal on the scale gas hydro???..Dont know if I'll get any responce on this site because it's mostly nitro guys on here...
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I don't know of any gas scale clubs in the country EXCEPT for in the Seattle area. I can tell you right off that the Pro Boat hydros ARE NOT SCALE AND DO NOT MEET THE GUIDELINES FOR SPORT OR T-BOAT CLASSES in stock form. If Joe want's to race with a gas boat, he needs to get a Thunderboat or a true gas sport boat and find a club to race it in. I'm sure any local racer can point you in the right direction
I don't know of any gas scale clubs in the country EXCEPT for in the Seattle area. I can tell you right off that the Pro Boat hydros ARE NOT SCALE AND DO NOT MEET THE GUIDELINES FOR SPORT OR T-BOAT CLASSES in stock form. If Joe want's to race with a gas boat, he needs to get a Thunderboat or a true gas sport boat and find a club to race it in. I'm sure any local racer can point you in the right direction
the other night we'd talked you said it can go into sport hydro.. If I remember wright Brian Blazer said that boat could run with the sport hydro's class.....The boat will be moditfied ,moving the motor and radio box ahead by 3" and have working front spoiler and rear wing...front windows are cutout.....If this boat isnt legal then Joe will get this boat done and we'll use it as a trainner boat for us to get some practices times on,more like a learnning experances..I did Email to the scale gas club link you gave me HJ..
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In the midwest, there really isnt a gas scale hydro class. There is the thunderboat class which is basicly scale roundnoses, but they dont have to look like any certain boat. Its more like they just have to be a certain size and be roundnose style hulls. There is also the gas sport hydro class. The only reason I can think of that you can not run the proboat I think would be the rear sponsons on the boat. But that would be a discretion of that club as we all want to see people race. I do know that the motor move would help that boat a ton as it is way to lose with the stock motor placement. Hope this helps. Ken
Misshydro, how quickly you forget. I told you that it's not legal to run without removing the rear shoes at any IMPBA event. Brian Blazer told you he would let it run at HIS EVENT. I even started a thread on the Pro boat hydros and was told that the hull must be modified to be legal. As I said in my first post, if Joe wants to race, have him get a T-boat or a legitimate gas sport hull so there won't be any questions

I think you need to reread this thread
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In the midwest, there really isnt a gas scale hydro class. There is the thunderboat class which is basicly scale roundnoses, but they dont have to look like any certain boat. Its more like they just have to be a certain size and be roundnose style hulls. There is also the gas sport hydro class. The only reason I can think of that you can not run the proboat I think would be the rear sponsons on the boat. But that would be a discretion of that club as we all want to see people race. I do know that the motor move would help that boat a ton as it is way to lose with the stock motor placement. Hope this helps. Ken
I'll tell joe this info.. But I bet he'll cut off the rear sponsons/triples..He's going to order a RCMK S254 for it and will be ditching the pull starter out of it....he has the adjustable strut mounted and a different rudder and longer rudder bracket mounted on the right side of the hull... there will be no clutch or water pump in it,thats extra weight gone..different and lighter radio box,the old strocker was very by heavy fiberglass turbine tube too,replace it with a light weight alum turbine tube....

why does Joe wants to remove the pull start?

I can understand the reasoning if it was a nitro engine.

I will tell you its much easier to start a gas boat with a belt. not to mention blowing water out of it. I guess you could leave the pull start on. But if its not in use, why carry it around? Ken
I'd leave the pull start on since gas engines do stall just like nitro engines. It can be easier to start with a pull start than running all the way back to your starting table to get to the starter when you're on the clock. I know this won't always be the case, but it is something to think about
I'd leave the pull start on since gas engines do stall just like nitro engines. It can be easier to start with a pull start than running all the way back to your starting table to get to the starter when you're on the clock. I know this won't always be the case, but it is something to think about
to move the motor as much as possible.with the water/head only 1" away from the scoop hole the pull starter needs to be removed...I'd seen guys using electric starters with miktta batterys on them and the one Joe saw at the air show had twin 7.2 batters...Remember as what I'd read and told the the proboats had bad CG..remember HJ you said too and move the radio box ahead as much as with the pull starter thats more weight gone......
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If you're going to try and quote me, do it right. I said to move the radio box up into the cockpit area and move the fuel tank to under the deck beside the engine to get all the weight out of the back of the boat. Moving the engine was the last thing I would do before adding weight to the sponsons and adjusting the wing. Removing the tiplets and shoes will change the balance of the boat slightly as well. I think you had better check the IMPBA rule book on whether pull starters are required as I was looking at the NAMBA book earlier and, in some cases, pull starters are required
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That hull will indeed need to be a 3 point hull. The ride pads on the back will have to come off. You can take the pull starter off. Even if you do all this the boat will not be competitive. For the rules on the Sport Hydro class go to and click on rules on the left side and go to large scale gas. See you in Cincy!
Hey zz.. Manyhobbys is helping joe set it up..Joe is painting your old hydro you sold to manyhobbys as a trade off for the proboat hull.He said it might not be the fastest but it could be competive if its setup wright..As from what I saw from the races,fastest boat dont finish most of the times,they end up wrecking or flipping and blow over..

Anna, what you say is so very true. Consistent Boats WIN RACES. First find your consistency, Set the boat up to handle some water. Look for speed after you find the handling. Ken
That's a sweet trade. That old PI was really a good runner. He should be ok running that hydro.
I read your post wrong. I thought you traded the PB for the PI. Get her running and come join the fun. Win or lose it's still a blast.
dont know if it will be done by then..He's trying to have it done before the 22th of augest..That when the Celina govener cup race.They want use to disply our R/C boats there at the real boat race...I would be neet to see a proboat that is redone right and be very competive at some race..Ya you read it wrong ZZ.. He painting your old hull black and green for manyhobbys..for paint the PI hull he gave Joe the proboat hull..Joe has it primed up now and it back with manyhobbys to be refitted before Joe paint it..I would like to see if Doug Shephared will be making Gas scale hydro hull since he wants to get into gas..I wouldnt mind buying one of his hulls...Oh what about the ends that sticks of the transom ,does the back of the transon got to be flush?Joe wanted to leave them alone just cut off the rear sponsons that sticks out the hull sidesbottom....
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Ok joe talked to John Exui today..he gave Joe alittle info,But we need to talk to Saymikey and Ron Sacker Jr the hydro guy...Mikey if you see this thread.. I'd Emailed you...Joe needs to speak with you please..he wants to make this 1/8 proboat race legal.....
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This post is sure to get me flamed by the "mod"RTR crowd. My question is simple... What is the big facination with taking these rtr boats and trying to make them into something they were never meant to be? I have seen scads of MV's where the owner spent boat loads of money and time on them trying to get them to perform like a sport 20 boat. I have seen a few that worked really well, done by boaters with years of experience that could strap a motor an a piece of drift wood and win races. The rest ...well they have a boat that can't run in the class that was formed for the boat to compete in, isn't competetive in the class they try to run in, and with the time and money spent could have had a competetive boat for both classes. Our local club in the Twin Cities runs an open gas class. If it has a gas motor, you can run it. so far all the boats that have run... one fun run race, one point race, have been sport type hydros. Two of the racers run the Pro boats, one with an after market hot rod motor, there is a scratch built shovel, an Insane and a Stryker. If they all start and they all stay running for six laps, the pro boats don't fair to well. If someone were to show up with something like a Whiplash, and could drive....
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