Hugh, hang on I'm not trying to ruffle feathers or call anyone a liar. I am just passing on what I experienced when I covered this ground. Trying to nail down these colors has been a major pain for a long time. All I am saying is that yeah you can take these to a PPG dealer and see what happens. The link you posted is for Architectural Paint. Automotive and Architectural are two different divisions of PPG. The store guy I talked to years ago didn't make the connection when I asked him about the colors and names. When I called my PPG friend today and asked, my friend asked me where I was getting these numbers from and I gave him the info at the top of the catalog. That's when we figured out what the deal was and that is why the guy at the store couldn't figure out what these numbers were because they are not in the Automotive Paint catalog. That's all they have access to at the store level. Now according to the PPG rep you would have to get someone from each division to try and cross match this stuff since each type of paint is formulated differently since they are for different applications. I know one color will no0t cross match because the blue is a metallic not a flat color. ALmost all the Architectural colors are flat.
Trust me I'm not trying to piss anybody off and I certainly am not calling anyone a liar I am just trying to save everyone concerned some time and hassle by not covering the same ground over and over. When I get the ones I have converted, and I'm using DuPont not PPG, I will gladly post the codes. I just haven't gotten that far yet... If you find a solution in the mean time then I applaud your effort. I am not saying I have the solution and we may never find the exact colors but I will give you guys what I find so we can get close.