Need help choosing different epoxy...


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New Member
Apr 12, 2004
At the moment, I am in the process of building my first boat from scratch. Its taken some time to cut the parts and assemble them. I went out and I got a loctite 5 minute epoxy, and I figured it would work just like any other epoxy. (Well, actually I have never used epoxy but I figured they are a similar). So, I started epoxying the hull together, and my epoxy didnt hold. It seems like the epoxy is kind of rubbery where I can peel it off with a knife. So, do I need a different kind of epoxy, or am I doing the mixing of resin / hardiner wrong? I mix it 50/50. So what do you guys recomend? It would be great if there was a brand that I could pick up in town instead of having to order it...

Thank for you help!


most 5 minute epoxys set up in the way you desrcibe. The longer it takes for the epoxy to cure the deeper it will penitratrare in the surfaces being glued. The longer it takes to cure the harder the epoxy will be (less rubbery). All epoxys should have some flex to help fight vibtation related falures to the epoxy joint. 30 or 45 minute epoxy from any hobby store should work fine. i personnaly use west systems for any building I do. west systems is avaliable on most boat places like west marine or boaters world.

Hope this helps.

Hi Rob

I would suggest to not use 5min epoxy in boating first because most of fast cure epoxy's are not waterproof neither fuel proof.Stick to slow cure ones and there are very good brands nowadays like Devcon,Zap,Three System and other but if do not have experience with this product try to be in touch with

They have all kind of glues,fiberglass and manuals to help you .

I use (Hanger 9) 5min, 12 min and 30 min epoxy during construction depending on what area I am working on at the time and how long it takes to position and clamp. I have also used many other similar brands in the past and the only one I didn't like was Sig. It seems to harden too much and gets brittle. However, the completed boat is always coated inside and out with West systems 105 resin and 209 hardener. This gives you a very good nitro and water proof barrier.

Just check out Tower Hobbies on the net and search for Epoxy Glue. You will find a number of brands there and any one of them is probably OK. I buy them in the 8 or 9 oz size and they mix 50/50. Use popsicle sticks to mix on wax paper taped to your bench. You can find epoxy like this at any hobby shop!

Well anyway that's how I do it.

Don :)
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i love that NHP stuff :D :D :D well my dad pretty much built his whole boat out of 5 min epoxy, maybe that is why it didnt hold together when i hit that log at 30mph :eek: :( :eek:
Tim D got me some West Systems, I will never go back to anything else. Easy to work and flows like water! Cost less than the hobby shop stuff and holds a lot better. ;)
I use devcon 30 minute epoxy for coating and fuel proofing, but I didn`t have too much luck with it for assembly. It seems to soak in too quickly. I use another type of epoxy for assembly that is a little thicker. If I can get my hands on it, I also use west systems. I would go with it.

Thanks for all the help... It makes sense with the faster setting epoxies being more rubbery. West systems seems to be the one to go with. Again, thanks for all the help!

I like to assemble with slow CA and seal with west systems.

Mike West Systems is the go. What hardeners are used for what? What fillers?

I see four types of hardener and six fillers.
We use West Systems and System Three epoxies. System three has a great trial package for $20.00 that gives you a lot of information (The epoxy book) and sample stuff. This sample kit used to only be $10.00, but is still a good deal for the money considering what is included. Here is the link to the order page and the home page for System Three:


Each kit includes

samples of our SilverTip products and the tools for your testing:

4oz SilverTip Laminating Resin

2oz SilverTip Laminating Fast Hardener

2oz SilverTip Gelmagic Resin

1oz SilverTip Gelmagic Hardener

4oz SilverTip EZ Fillet Resin

2oz SilverTip EZ Fillet Hardener

4oz SilverTip QuikFair Resin

2oz SilverTip QuikFair Hardener

2oz SilverTip Metlweld Resin

2oz SilverTip Metlweld Hardener

1 ea: Plastic Sqeegee

6 ea: Mixing Sticks

10 ea: 1oz Measuring Cups

2 ea: 4oz Measuring Cups

1 ea: 1oz Bristle Brush

1 ea: 12”x12” Fiberglass Cloth

1 pair Gloves

1 ea: Epoxy Catalog and Price List

1 ea: The Epoxy Book

1 ea: $ 20.00 off coupon

Tony- I like the idea of the system three epoxy set, seems like a good way to get my feet wet using epoxy!

Thanks for all the replies, this info is great!
