need glow plug info


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I have about 30 or 40 of the Purple - 5 plugs. I personally dont run them coz my minimum fuel is 40%

EMS Racing Methanol? Who needs it?

Yep, I knew it was the pipe! Evereyone tells me the engines are over-compressed! : :)

Ah turbo plugs! 8) How hot can you get them? A short body Novarossi 5 was only just hot enough for my use. Are they cheap? :-

Hmm, maybe I should try something in the medium or hot range for the K-90 on 25%??

I remember trying 6's and 7's, both were too cold for the K-90. The A100 didnt care.

Nitrocrazed racing: If I had a dollar for every plug I have blown....that wouldn't nearly cover the cost of the plugs!!

How about sending a couple over for a trial? ;D I might have the rigger back together in a couple of weeks. I like 25%! 8)

Nitrocrazed racing:How about some propylene oxide? :p

I will send a couple off tomorrow. Also have some Rossi plugs.... actually heaps of 8s (Their cold) and 7s and 6s too... interestingly enough, the elements are all pulled further out on the 6s from the factory!!!

EMS Racing no leaks, lotsa plugs
A short novarossi 5t plug worked great in my nova on 25% nitro.

No idea on the Cipolla hot turbo plug never used them. price is a fair bit more than the conventional plugs.

No worries ! ;D

The K-90 is almost overcompressed! A fraction lean and it detonates, the plug gets so hot i goes blue, then shoots the centre out! :eek: As seen at the nats.... : :)

The new head I made for it has slightly less compression tho, and is more tolerant. The engine is also better with the OS carb. I like the A-90 carbs better tho.


Yeah my Nova liked the short body 5 on 25%, but in bigger engines I strugled with them being too cold. Pity they are expensive. Very tough plug. Got a season of multi out of one plug once! I have some 8's that I think must be for 90% nitro or something, man they are cold!!

Nitrocrazed racing: Unplugged in Adelaide.